• 中国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖

2007 Vol. 20, No. 3

Display Method:
Study on the Relationship between Precipitation and RiverWater at BalangMountainWatershed inWolong Nature Reserve of Sichuan Province
XU Qing, JIANG You-xu, LIU Shi-rong, AN Shu-qing, DUAN Zheng- f eng
2007, 20(3): 297-301.
The authors investigated hydrogen and oxygen stab le iso tope ( δD and δ18O ) ofw ater in Pit iao R iver, and compared them w ith the δD and δ18O of precipitation atWolong Nature Reserve o f Sichuan Prov ince to explore the relation-ship betw een riverw ater δD and δ18O. Itw as found that thewater δD w as positively correlated w ith water δ18O, name ly,δD = 3. 888 -18O - 45. 614 ( R2 = 0. 494, p 18O and δD in the riverwaterweremuchsam ller than those in the precipitation. The excess deuterium ( d) in the river water and in the precipitat ion show ed avery smi ilar patterns o f the seasonal variat ion, w ith the h igher values in w inter than in summer. Snow and snow-icemelting w ater discharg ing into the river variedw ith seasons and th is process occurredmainly from November to nex t June. Theresponse tmi es of δ18O and δD in the riverw ater to precipitation depended on the intensity of prec ipitation. G iven the intensities of precipitation at 0~ 10mm, 10~ 20 mm and 20~ 30 mm, the response tmi es o f δD and δ18O in the river w aterw ere 3 d, 2 d, and 1~ 2 d, respectively, after the occurrence of prec ipitat ion. This suggested thatw ell-structuredsub-a lpine dark brown coniferous forests could mi prove rain w ater permeab ility into so il and facilitatew atermovement intothe adjacent rivers, byw hich the forest regulated the run-off process and w ater discharge into the river.
Study on Logg ing Gaps Regenera tion in SecondaryBroad-leaved Forest in Changba iMounta in
SONG Xin-zhang, LI Dong-sheng, XIAO Wen-fa, LI Xiu-ying
2007, 20(3): 302-306.
The regeneration trait of logging gap s in relation to sizes and ages in secondary broad2leaved forest whichwas p redominated by Tilia am urensis, Acerm ono and Quercus m ongolica in ChangbaiMountain was studied. The research result showed that there were 42. 8% ( canopy gap s area 2) , 23. 8% (20~40 m2 ) , 33. 4% (40~60 m2 )in the p roportion of gap size. 38. 1% of gap s shape were rotundity and 61. 9% were oval. 38. 5% of the oval gap s layin N2S direction, 46. 2% inW-E direction and 15. 3% in N2E to S-W direction. These gap swere usually formed after3~4 trees logged which weremainly composed of Tilia am urensis, Quercusm ongolica andM aackia am urensis. The regeneration layerwas dominated by the shrub in non-gap stands but arbor in the gap s. Moreover, the dominance wouldrise with increasing sizes and ages of gap s. The species diversity and densitywere obviouslymore in gap s than in non-gap stands. The synthesis diversity had a tendency to decline with increasing sizes and ages of gap s. The dominancespecieswere different in gap s of different sizes, but were mainly composed of intolerant species.
Dynam ic Spatial-temporalChanges Analysis ofNatural ForestResources Based on RS
ZHAO Peng-xiang, QIANG Jian-hua, ZHANG Hui-ru, CHEN Guo-ling
2007, 20(3): 307-311.
Th is paper studied the dynam ic spat ia l-temporal changes o f natural forest resources based on RS . Ca ijiachuan Forest Farm, as the typ ical reg ion of distribution o f natural fores,t was the research object, the TM images of1997and 2004 as thema in data sources, w ith the survey data and suppored by IMAGE so ftw are, the authors stud ied thedynam ic spatia l-tempo ral changes of th is area. The results show ed that the area of dom inant tree increased from 1997to 2004, for example, the oak increased by 1. 8%, Chinese p ine increased by 8. 4% , pop lar increased by 6. 7%;M eanwh ile, spat ia l distribut ion has changed; forest coverage rat io increased by approx imately 16. 9%; obvious dynam icchange has been occurred, such as 55. 5% of cutting land w as covered by Chinese pine and 21. 1% w as covered bypoplar. These obv iously changes has close relation w ith the implementation of the natural forest protection pro jec.t
Biodiversity and Conserva tion Stra teg ies of Ra ttan-like Bamboo in China
SHI Jun-yi, YI Tong-pei, MA Li-sha, WANG Hai-tao, YANG Lin
2007, 20(3): 312-318.
Rattan-like bamboos in Bambusoideae are defined as ones which have unique and rattan-like shape andclimbing stem. These bamboos are obviously different from common bamboo due to their liane-like shape and specific biological features. The bamboo is greatly valuable in ornamentation and horticulture. So far 40 species in 10 genera have been reported from China. In this paper, species biodiversity, resources and geological distribution of therattan-like bamboos were briefly introduced and discussed. Suggestions were p roposed for conservation and sustainable development of these bamboo resources.
Th e In fluences of C losing for Afforesta tion on Vegetation DiversityRestora tion under Ch inese F ir P lan ta tion
CAI Dao-xiong, LU Li-hua, JIA Hong-yan, HE Ri-ming
2007, 20(3): 319-327.
By density control and 6 years. closed and non-closed managemen t for Ch inese fir pure stands, it wasfound tha t short-term c losing had no sign ificant influence on the overall performance of Chinese fir p lantation, butremarkably affected the vegetation b iodiversity and growth under fores.t In closed area, therewere 116 plant speciesbe longing to 101 genera of 60 families, with the vegetation coverage 85%, wh ile in the non2c losed area, therewereon ly 88 p lant species be longing to 78 genera of 49 families, the vege tation coverage was about 60% . Furthermore,there existed a woody vegetation layer with the height> 2 m in closed area. The resu lt of key trait value analysisshowed that the re lative density, re lative coverage and some other important tra its in closed area were h igher thanthat in non-closed area. In c losed area, F icus hispida had the highest importance value: 100. 43%, and other 16species had the importance value no less than 35%, wh ich occup ied 13. 79% of tota l undergrowth species. In non-closed area, Gelsemium elegans had the highest importance va lue ( 34. 77% ) and therewere no specieswith importance value \ 35%. The dominance of undergrowth in closed area wasmore obvious than that in non-closed area.
Studies on Transgen ic Acceptor System of Ground-CoverChrysanthemum Via Indirect Soma tic Embryogenesis
JIANG Xi-wang, ZHANG Qi-xiang
2007, 20(3): 328-333.
In this paper transgenic acceptor systems of chrysanthemum cv.‘Yurenmian’via indirect somatic embryogenesiswere established by three steps cultivation. The authors studied the effects of hormones, illumination intensity on indirect somatic embryogenesis through stem segments ( internodal segments) as explants. Results showed that: embryogeniccalli induction medium wasMS +KT 2. 0 mg· L-1 + 2, 4-D 2. 0 mg·L-1 +NAA 0. 5 mg·L-1 , 15 days later, yellowgreenish, compact nodular calliwere transferred embryogenic calli differentiationmediumMS plus KT 2. 0mg·L-1 , 2, 42D 1. 0 mg·L-1 and NAA 0. 5mg·L-1 for 15 days, andwere transferred differentiationmediumMS plus KT 2. 0mg·L-1and NAA 0. 5 mg·L-1 for 20 days. Illumination intensity was 1 000~2 000 lx. The highest rate of embryogenic callireached 95. 3%, the highest rate of embryogenic calli differentiation reached 92. 7%, average number of shoots per stemsegment explantwas 17. 8, and stability of regeneration shoots reached 99. 5%. Experiments of the sensitivity of antibiotics for transgenic accep tor systems of chrysanthemum cv.‘Yurenmian’via indirect somatic embryogenesis showed: the selection concentrations of kanamycin was 10 mg·L-1 , the selection concentrations of cefotaxime was 300 mg·L-1while embryogenic calliwere induced and 100 mg·L-1 while embryogenic calli differentiation.
A Study on the Influence ofM in imum Mea sured D iameter onDeterm in ing Spa tia l D istr ibution Pa tterns of Forest Trees
LI Li, HUI Shu-rong, HUI Gang-ying, HU Yan-bo, XU Hai
2007, 20(3): 334-337.
By emp loying the aggregate index Rformulated by Clark & Evans and uniform angle indexW , the datafrom four 100 m ×100 m natural forest plots were analyzed with varying minimum measured diameter (MMD) toidentify tree spatial distribution patterns. It showed that tree spatial distribution patternswere related toMMD, spatial distribution patterns varying irregularly with MMD. Therefore, identicalMMD class should be emp loyed in theanalysis of tree spatial distribution patterns.
Method of Tree's Interactive and ParameterizedModeling Basedon V irtual ForestManagement
SHU Yu-qin, LI Wei-hong
2007, 20(3): 338-343.
In view of tree arch itecture, the traditional geometric modeling techniquew as comb ined w ith tree s mo rpho log ic structure so that tree s interactive and parameter ized modeling method w as introduced in this paper. Threekinds of parameters, truncks, branchs and leaves, w ere used to describe trees, then some modeling ru les w ere putforw ard, and a tree classification system w as bu il.t Therefore, the forestmanager could use their fam iliar parametersto construct three-d imensional geom etricmode ls o f different tree speciesw ith d ifferen t geometric characterist ics, and,themode ls for different g row th stage w ere achieved. The modelw as simple and its appearance w as lifelike, and itcould express the spatia l construction o f the tree adequate ly.
Changing Regular ities and Structura l Character istics of the Bioma ss andProductivity of Aerially Seeded Pinus m asson iana Planta tion
QI Liang-hua, ZHANG Xu-dong, ZHOU Jin-xing, LI Zhi-hui, HUANG Ling-ling, YANG Mo-hua
2007, 20(3): 344-349.
Through classifying and combining of site condition, forest age and density, the single-tree biomass, forestbiomass, structural characteristics and p roductivity of aerially seeded Pinus m asson iana p lantations in Hu’nan p rovince were studied based on 176 standard p lots’data. The results are as follows. The biggest biomass values of single-tree or standswere 181. 12 kg and 84. 49 t·hm-2 respectively, and the smallest oneswere 15. 73 kg and 8. 85 t·hm-2 , and the biggestwere 11. 5 times and 9. 5 times asmuch as that of the lowest, so it could be seen that thebiomass of single-tree had a more wide changing extent than stands’. For every combination type, the biomass ofsingle-tree or stands all showed the regularity of trunk > root > branch > bark > leaf. In different site indexes andstand densities, the net p roductivity had extraordinary difference for different ages so that the biggestwas 19. 4 timesasmuch as that of the lowest, exceeding 5. 52 t·hm-2 ·a-1. These results could offer some scientific basis forcomp rehensively supervising and managing of aerially seeded Pinus m assoniana p lantations.
Study on the Phenotype Diversity of Woody EnergyPlantXanthoceras sorbifolia
MOU Hong -xiang, HOU Xin-cun, LIU Qiao-zhe
2007, 20(3): 350-355.
15 phenotypic tra its w ere investigated fo r 14 popu lations ofXanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. Phenotypic variat ion, wh ich w ere among populat ions and w ith in popu lations, w ere studied by using nested variance ana lysis and variation coeff icien.t The corre lation ana lysis and c luster ana lysis show ed the relat ion among tra its and geograph ica l facto rs. The variation w ithin populations w as much g reater than that among populat ions. The seed number in fruitw asdecreased w ith the long itude increase. The fru it w idth w as improved w ith lat itude increasing and the annual meantemperature decreasing. Therew as no sign if icant re lationsh ip betw een geog raphic d istances and euclidean d istance.
Investiga tion on D istr ibution and Habita t of B laps rynchopeteraFa irma ire ( Coleoptera: Tenebr ion idae) in Yunnan
ZHAO Min, CHEN Xiao-ming, SUN Long, FENG Ying, YE Shou-de
2007, 20(3): 356-362.
B laps rynchopetera Fairmaire is a kind of national medicinal insects with important value, and is widelyused asmedicine in Yunnan. Its distribution and habitat in Yunnan were investigated. The results showed that theinsect is distributed in all the sites investigated including 25 counties in 14 districts of Yunnan Province. The relatively central distribution area of the insect is in the middle and east of Yunnan p lateau. The suitable living area hasthe annual average temperature 13℃ to 19 ℃, average annual rainfall 750~1 100 mm, altitude 1 500~2 100 m.The vertical distribution altitude of the insect is from 760 m to 2 450 m. Adults live in farmer’s house and lievestocksty. Larvae live in loose soil. The insect is not found outside house. Itsmain food is grain bran, corn flour, wheat,flour, etc. Its potential distribution in China was analyzed based on indexes of annual mean temperature, annualmean rainfall and feeding habitat. Its core distribution area is southwestern China. The commonly used name“B.japanensis yunnanensis”should be B laps rynchopetera.
Provenance Differentia tion of Seedling Character istics of Taxus ch inens isvar. m a ire r and Its Seedling Ra ising Env ironment Influence
JIAO Yue-ling, ZHOU Zhi-chun, YU Neng-jian, JIN Guo-qing, WANG Yue-sheng
2007, 20(3): 363-369.
Taxus chinensis var. m airer p rovenance trails including twenty-seven seed sources from ten p rovinces of p rimary natural distribution zone, located atMingxi of Fujian and Chun’an of Zhejiang, were used to study p rovenancevariation for seedling characteristics such as seedling growth, shoot elongation parameters, root character and drymatter accumulation and influence of seedling raising environment. The results indicated that there existed significantdifferences among p rovenances for seedling height, root collar diameter and branch number. Analysis of shoot elongation parameter demonstrated that increase of p rovenance seeding heightwas attributed to the acceleration of total lineargrowth (TLG) , maximun growth rate (MGR) and linear growth rate (LGR) , but the p rolongation of linear growth day (LGD). Comparing with other forest species, Taxus chinensis var. m airer had the lowerLGR and the longerLGD. Thep rovenance variation of rootmorphology and drymatter accumulation could not reach significant level in statistics, butthe biggest value was above twenty percentage more than the lowest one. There wasmarked effect of the seedling raising environment on the p rovenance growth. Good nursery site and suitable shading could enhance growth of seedlingheight and root collar diameter. It was found that there existed significant p rovenance by site interaction and smallp rovenance by shading interaction. The geographical variation patterns of Taxus chinensis var. m airer seedling heightand root collar diameter were different in various seedling raising site. At Mingxi of Fujian, p rovenance seedlinggrowth was not related to the geography-climate factors of its seed source. The p rovenances with higher growth ratewere distributed not only in the eastern and northern zone but also in the southern and western one. At Chun’an ofZhejiang, the eastern and northern p rovenance had higher seedling height and root collar diameter, contrasting to p rovenances from the southern and western, which was similar to the result founded by the authors in the former limiteddistribution-area p rovenance trial.
Performance Analysis for the Domestic TDP Sensor forM easuring Sap Flow in Trees
ZHANG Jin-song, MENG Ping, LIU Wei, SHI Sheng-jin, WANG He-song, GAO Jun, REN Qing-fu
2007, 20(3): 370-374.
Taking who le??tree we ighing method (MBW ) as criterion, and compared w ith sim ilar sensormade by Dynamax (mdTDP) , the performance o f domestic TDP sensor ( cfTDP) were assessed by measuring the sap flow (SF )and transp iration rate (TR ) of Ligustrum leucadendra and Quercus variabilis as testmaterials. The results are as fo llows: ( 1) TheTR o f had good correlation w ith SF derived from the cfTDP method and therew as no sign ificant differ??ence betw een them (P < 0. 05) . The linear correlat ion coefficient betw een the average value o fTR and that ofSF in 30m inutes w as 0. 90 ( n= 215), the maximum was 0. 99 daily. Them ax ima,l m inima l and average values of re lat ive error betw een the to talTR and the totalSF da ily w ere 13. 3% , 0. 5% and 8. 7% respective ly. ( 2) The da ily sap fluxdensity value derived from the cfTDP method had complete consistencyw ith that derived from mdTDP method.
Effects of Prun ing and Growth Regula tors on the Bud Growth andDevelopment of P icea c rassifolia Seedlings
CHEN Guang-hui, YANG Hong-qi, ZHANG Shou-gong, ZHANG Jian-guo, WANG Jun-hui
2007, 20(3): 375-380.
Buds on leaders and lateral branches of 5-year-old and 7-year-old Picea crassifolia was seedlings weretreated with different pruning and growth regulator daubing. Removing ap ical bud of Qinghai sp ruce could p romotesome lateral and dormant buds growing and breaking, imp rove branch growth. The effect of different growth regulators and p runingmodels to the buds of P. crassifolia distinct. Among all treatments, treatment effect of removing ap ical bud on trunk and lateral brancheswas superior to that of sp indle-mode p runing and fense-mode p runing, cutting still remaining 3 full buds on stems could significantly decrease the number of buds and then lessen the amount ofbranching, it was the worst one for 7-year-old seedlings. Whittling top buds could increase the quantities of shootand bud on shoot, simultaneously the total length of shoot was also lengthened. 6BA could effectively p romote thegrowth and development of sp ruce buds and branches, CHOUZH IBAO ismost ineffective and even rep ressive amongall treatments, for 5-year-old trees , the influence of p runing and growth regulator on the break-bud number of budson lateral tress was significant, however, for 7-year-old trees, it’s insignificant, and the interaction between themwas remarkable in the treatments to 7-year-old seedlings, but it’s not to 5-year-old seedlings. Daubing 6BA on theremained buds after removing ap ical budswasmore effective to boost the growth and development of buds in P. crassifolia and helpful to p roduce more buds and branches, it’s a kind of the best treatment to P. crassifolia seedlings,cutting or p lastering budswith CZB were unsuitable to the establishment and development of cutting orchard of P.crassifolia.
Study on the Character of Cellula se in Monocham us a lte rna tusⅣ. Effect of Feed ing Condition s on the Monocham us a lte rna tus Cellula se Activ ity
SUO Feng-mei, WANG Hao-jie, DING Zhong-wen, XU Tian-sen
2007, 20(3): 381-384.
Cellulase is an important enzyme in the Monocham us alternatus. The effect of feeding time, no-feedingtime and other conditions on cellulase of M. alternatus showed cellulase activity increased in the initial stage andthen declined under the controlled conditions. At the same time, the cellulase activitywas p roportional to the abundance of twigs. Along with extend of the feeding time, cellulase ( Cx-ase, C1ase andβ-1, 4-glucosidase) activityofM. alterna tus increased in the initial stage and then declined, and eventully tented be stable.
Effects ofAM Fungi Inoculated on Four Coloured??Leaf Varieties
LU Yao-dong, TIAN Xue-qin, ZHANG Xue-ping
2007, 20(3): 385-389.
The inocu lant effectiveness of AM fung i on seedlings of four co lored-lea f varieties of F icus elastica w astested. The resu lts show ed that the infection rate o f ‘Decora burgundy’ 、 ‘Decora tr icolor’ , ‘Decora’ 、 ‘Variegata’w ere 90% 、75% 、65% 、85% , w itch increased by more than 65% comparing to that of the contro ls, and theMD ofthe four var iet ies w ere proved to have intensive dependence on AM. The results also suggested that inoculating AMfung i could greatly enhance the four varieties form ing AM in their roo t system and have significant effectiveness onthe ir grow th and b iom ass.
Study on the Changes ofNutrients andM ineral Elementsin Tree Peony Before and After Flowering
GAO Zhi-min, WANG Yan, LI Zhen-jian, ZHOU Wei-wei, ZHU Yao-jun, YAN Yan
2007, 20(3): 390-393.
The contents o f nutrien ts andm inera l elem en ts in tree peony w ere ana lyzed by SA S so ftw a re. The results show ed tha t the changes of nu trien ts and m inera l elem ents, such as total sacchar ide, po lysaccharide,bisaccharide, N, P, C a, w ere sign if icant before and a fter flow er ing. It delicates that the b loom ing is a energyem itting stage. M ost of the nutrients, fo r ex ample po ly sacchar ide, in roo t w ere much h igher than those in 1-year-o ld branches, o the rw ise there w as no sign ificant change in the m inera l e lemen ts betw een roots and branches. It is sa id that the roo ts and the branches of tree peony are them ain organ o f the nutrien ts storage and pa thof nu trients transference respective ly.
Studies on the Ana tom ica l Structure of Ov ipositor and theGnawing Nidus and Ov iposition Habits of Female Adult Apriona ge rm a ri
JIN Feng, JI Bao-zhong, LIU Shu-wen, TIAN Ling, GAO Jie
2007, 20(3): 394-398.
The p rocess of oviposition behavior of Apriona germ ari includs 4 successive phases: searching a p lace foroviposition, gnawing a nidus, oviposition and blockading the nidus. At the beginning of the gnawing nidus, the female adult turned its head downwards, gnawed“川”-shaped shallow groove , then gnawed a deep oval groove bellow. After the niduswas established, the female adult laid an egg into the crack on the bottom of deep groove andblockaded niduswith secretion and bark detritus. A finished niduswas app roximately“U”shape with a tilt on themiddle of the bottom. The mean length of ovipositorwas 14. 28 ±1. 91 mm. There were a lot of sense hairs on valvulae. The mean size of niduswas as follows: length 13. 78 ±1. 75 mm, width 6. 94 ±0. 99 mm. There were a p ronounced linear correlation between nidus’width and the diameter of host branch aswell as the nidus’width and thethickness of xylem. Moreover, the linear correlation of the dep th of nidus and the thickness of xylem was also veryconsp icuous. The difference of length and width between the niduswith orwithout eggwas not consp icuous. But thenidus without egg was not deep enough for female adult to lay egg.
Study on the IncidenceMechanism of the Thick Rotten D isease ofZ iziphus zizyphus ( L. ) Meikle. cv. 'Jinsixiaozao'
ZHANG Li-zhen, HUANG Su-fang, ZHANG Li-xin, LIU Jun-bin, YAN Yu-zan, WEN Ru-yi, CAO Ming, GAO Bao-shuang, XU Jing
2007, 20(3): 399-403.
Based on a lot o f laboratory experiments and fie ld inspections, the infection of pathogens to the organs andfruits o fZ iziphus zizyphus cv. ‘Jinsix iaozao’ , spore germ ination, overw intering hos,t regu larity of sporocarp format ion, the relat ion be tw een the infecting ra te and ra infall vo lum ew ere studied. Itw as indicated that pathogens startedto infect the fruct iferous branches and fru it stalks in the first ten days of June. Fruits w ere in fected in the first tendays of Ju ly, and the in fect ing rate reached the peak in the last ten days o fAugus.t The diseasew as latent infectionat firs.t The pathogens could overw inter inmany organs o fZ iziphus z izyphus cv. ‘Jinsix iaozao’ , such as bark, branches, leaves, and fru its. Bu t the fruits w ere themost importan t infection source. It could overw inter in the trees ofpop lars, S iber ian elm, peach, app le and pear around jujube garden a lso. The spo rocarp had asexual and sexualgenerat ion on the residua l diseased fru its. Sexua l genera tion infected the ju jube. The con idiophore of fresh fru itscould in fect again. The infecting rate ofP hysalosp ora obtuse, the pathogen, mostly depended on the ra infall prec ip itation in the last tw enty days of Augus.t
Var ia tion s of Fru it Characters and Nutr ient Compositions amongSource Sites and Indiv idua ls of Autumn O live
NI Sui, LI Ji-yuan, LI Xin-lei, FAN Zhen-qi, TIAN Min, LU Yi-zeng
2007, 20(3): 404-407.
The variations of berry characters, amino acid, lycopene,β2carotene as well as micro elements weremeasured for autumn olive berries collected in various seed sources and individuals. The average weight of fresh berries was 0. 13 gwith the range from 0. 07~0. 15 g. The average rate of berry pulp was 75. 01%. The total contentof 17 amino acids in 6 individual p lants ranged from 146. 596 to 179. 634 mg·g-1 with average of 167. 839 mg·g-1 , ofwhich relative content of glutamic acid to total amino acidswas the highest (18. 07% ) , followed by arginine(11166% ) and asparagines (10. 78% ) , and the lowest were methionine ( 0. 84% ) , and others (7. 00% ). Thelycopene content in 3 individual p lants ranged from 78. 000 to 342. 000 mg·kg-1 and was 2. 6 to 11. 4 times that infresh tomato. The averages ofβ-carotene, dissolvable sugar, dissociative acids and Vc are 6. 480 mg·kg-1 , 7. 310mg·kg-1 , 3. 24 mg·g-1 and 0. 049 mg·g-1 respectively. The average content of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu were 97. 881,77. 553, 23. 384 and 12. 129 mg·kg-1 , and K, Ca were 11. 190 and 3. 720 mg·g-1 separately.
Nutr ient Character istics of Stem-Flow in D ifferentTree Spec ies in M iddle Subtropics
CHEN Shu-jun, YAN Wen-de, XIANG Wen-hua, LEI Pi-feng
2007, 20(3): 408-414.
The concentrations of 9 nutrient elements (N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Mn、SiO2 ) in stem-flow, and rainfallwere measured in 22~25 years old Cinnam om um cam phora, Pinus taeda, Quercus a liena,M ichelia m acclurei from Ap ril of 2003 to July of 2004 at Zhuzhou. The results showed: the concentrations of the nutrients in rainfall varied according to the month; The concentration sequence of the nutrient elements in p recip itation were follows: Ca >NH4-N > SiO2 > Zn > K >NO3-N >Mg > Fe >Mn > P > Cu; The concentrations of the nutrients in stem-flow also variedin the same way and changed seasonally. Compared with that in p recip itation, most of them increased; The nutrientcharacteristics of stem-flow for different tree species differed significantly and the concentration sequence of the totalnutrient elements in stem-flow were follows: Pinus taeda, Quercus aliena、Cinnam om um cam phora, M ichelia m acclurei; Proportion of nutrient in stem-flow of different nutrient elements also differed significantly among all nutrientsanalysed. It was found that the highest concentration was for NH4-N, Ca, K, SiO2 , middle forMg,NO3-N, Zn,Mn,and the lowest for P, Fe, Cu; Compared with atmospheric p recip itation, the stem2flow of four tree species togetherperformance were, the concentration of Cu nearly did not change, other element content had a bigger change, Cinnam om um cam phora stem-flow Zn, SiO2 , Fe, Cu; Pinus taeda, Quercus aliena stem-flow Zn, Fe; M ichelia m acclureistem-flow Zn were lower than those in p recip itation, significant variation was especially noted for Zn in the four treespecies
Review on the Systemic Taxonomy of Genus Botryosphae ria
ZHAO Jia-ping, LIANG Jun, LU Quan, ZHANG Xing-yao
2007, 20(3): 415-422.
The paper reviewed the taxonomic status of genusB otryosphaeria, surveyed the most important anamorphicgenera nameswhich associated with genusB otryosphaeria, itwas found that the D iplodia spp. and Fusicoccum spp.were the anamorphic fungi and D ichom era were the synanamorphic fungi of Fusicoccum. The phylogenetic relationship among some fungi, such as B. dothidea, B. ribis, B. berengeriana, B. parva, B. lutea, and other comp lexfungi was also introduced. This paper also listed more than 20 new anamorphic and telemorphic specieswhich reported in recently years. Some available taxonomic methods used in B otryosphaeria phylogenic analysis were reported.Finally, by comparing the fungal study status in China and in the world, the aims and highlights of B otryosphaeriataxonomy were indicated.
Study on the Introduction and Early Adaptability of Adaptable Afforesta tionTree Provenances in Hot and Ar id Va lley, Jinsha jiang River
JIANG Ye-gen, KANG Li-hua, MA Hai-bin, CHEN Ying-long
2007, 20(3): 423-427.
The growth performances of 17 p rovenances of 3 Acacia species, 2 provenances of Casuarina species, and2 provenances of Eucalyptus specieswere analyzed. The results showed that there are very significant differences among p rovenances in tree height, crown diameter, ground diameter and reserving rate. All the indicators excep t reserving rate were remarkably different among blocks. For 17 Acacia p rovenances, the difference in tree height,crown diameter and ground diameter among p rovenances and blockswere very significant, but no difference existedbetween the 2 Casuarina p rovenances in tree growth. By 18 months’analysis and Ducan test, the 21 provenanceswere divided into 3 group s, in which 2 Casuarina p rovenances, 2 Eucalyptus p rovenances and 2 Acacia p rovenanceshad the best growth performance and could be selected as the op timal p rovenances to p lant in hot and arid valley.
Analysis of Vola tile Constituents in Pinus arm andii Bark with GC /MS
CHEN Min, LI Yong-he, WANG Xiao-jia
2007, 20(3): 428-432.
In this study, steam distillation was used to extract the volatile constituents from the bark of Pinus armandii. Thevolatile constituents and Pissodes punctatus were used for laboratory test by“Y”olfactometer. The chemical constituents ofthe volatile oil were identified with GC /MS method。6. 25% volatile constituents showed strong attractiveness to Pissodespunctatus in the laboratory, and 65 compounds were identified mainly including such chemical compound as Limonene(29. 27% ) ,Benzene (17. 81% ) , 1R-alpha. -Pinene ( 16. 08% ) , 3-Methylhexane ( 7. 15% ) , and Hep tane ( 5. 55% ) ,beta. -Pinene (5. 67% ) , Caryophyllene (3. 27% ) , beta.-Myrcene (3. 1% ) and etc.
Effect of Coba lt Ion ( Co2+ ) on Senescence of Cut L ycoris au rea
YANG Xu, TAN Zi-feng, YANG Zhi-ling, FENG Gang-li
2007, 20(3): 433-436.
Systematic experiments concerningmorphological and physiological changes associated with senescence of cut Lycoris aurea were conducted. The results indicated thatwhen the concentration of CoCl2 was 40 or 80 mg L-1 , it could considerably extended the longevity of cut L. aurea, increasing vase life from 5 days ( under control) to 9 days and imp rovingthe quality of flowers effectively. Itwas concluded that this p reservative with 40 mg·L-1 could retard water stress, imp rovewater balance and delay senescence p rocess of cut L. aurea. CoCl2 not only slowed the rate of p rotein decomposition but also decreased inMDA content and increased peroxidase content. Moreover, the results also showed a good effect of CoCl2with 80 mg L-1 on cut L. aurea. So there was a great foreground for p reservation of cut L. aurea.
A Study of Growth Development of Male Strobilusand Pollen Collection of Masson Pine
GAO Ai-xin, QIN Guo-feng, WANG Pei-di, HE Yu-you, WANG Zhou-lian
2007, 20(3): 437-441.
T hem orphologica l deve lopment ofM asson pine indicates that the flower tmi ing and number ofm ale flow ers areclosely related to the location, latitude, so il condition, seed source and age ofMasson pine trees. These factors should betaken under consideration in the course of plann ing and establishing a pine pollen production base. T hemorphological developm ent ofM asson pinemale flowers lasts from earlyOctober to the end of nextM arch, which can be div ided into 5 phases, namely w inter buds, flower buds, color chang ing, m aturity and pollen scattering. The surface of sma ller strobiliw ith inthe co lor changing turns from green to ye llow, suggest ing the gradual ripening of pollens. The period betw een color chang ing and pollen scattering is the best tmi e for pollen harvest. Them ain ways o fpo llen co llect ion at present are beating tw igsand picking spikes off trees. In long term s, techniques of pine po llen production and m anagem ent shou ld be perfected bydw arfing trees and innovat ing pollen co llection m ethods.
Soil Environment Quality Assessment of Forest Landwith Different Parent Mater ia ls in Ka sta Mounta in Area
SHU Ying-ge, YAO Bin, HE Teng-bing, LIU Yuan-sheng, LUO Hai-bo, LIU Fang
2007, 20(3): 442-446.
The soil environment quality of woodland with different parentmaterials( limestone, dolomite limestone, limestoneshale, dolomite, limestone sand inclusion shale) in Kasta mountain area was assessed with Analytic Hierarchy Process andPrincipal Component Analysis methods. The results indicated that the soil fertility quality of the soil developed from limestone shale was the best, and the soil developed from dolomite limestone was the worst. The soil developed from limestoneshale showed the best heavy metals quality, and the soil developed from dolomite was the worst. The soil developed fromlimestone shale had the best stand condition quality, and the soil developed from limestone sand inclusion shale was theworst. The results also showed that the order of the soil environment quality was: limestone shale > limestone > dolomitelimestone > dolomite > limestone sand inclusion shale.