• 中国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖

2009 Vol. 22, No. 5

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In tra-sp ecific G enetic R ela tionsh ip am ong 20 Cu ltiva rs fromCamellia japon ica Ba sed on ISSR M olecu lar M arkers
NI Sui, LI Ji-yuan, WANG Qiang
2009, 22(5): 623-629.
Camellia japonica has various ecologica,l horticultural and economical uses. An approach was establishedusing ISSR ( Inter-simple sequence repeat) molecu lar makers to c lassify and analyze the intra-specific geneticrelationship among twenty cultivars represented from C. japonica, collected in Ch ina and abroad. Twenty-onecoup les of primer sequences which cou ld amplify c learly and reproducible e lectrophoresis bandswere screened fromsixty couples of primers. Using these primers, 153 discern ib le DNA fragment were generated with 146 ( 95. 4% )being polymorphic, ind icating pronounced genetic variation at the cu ltivars leve;l the band in fingerprintingwereconverted into / 00 or / 10, where / 10 and / 00 ind icated the presence and absence of a band, respectively. Ne ipsd iversity ind ices (H ) ranged from 0. 40 to 0. 48 and Shannon. s information index ( I) ranged from 0. 57 to 0. 67.The gene differentiation coeffic ien ts ranged from 0. 5 to 0. 7 andNm ranged from 0. 2 to 0. 5. The genetic similaritycoefficients (H s) among the tested cu ltivars ranged from 0. 50 to 0. 74, averaging 0. 63. The resu lts showed that thegenetic differences among the twenty cultivars were relatively little. Comb ing the results of flowermorphology andUPGMA cluster analysis, we cou ld divide the twenty cultivars into two b ig groups. Therewere four cu ltivars in group?, which all grows in Zhejiang Province and has red flowers. There were sixteen cu ltivars in groupò, intraspec ific genetic relationsh ip comp lexity. In add ition, the results also showed that ISSRmolecu larmakerwas suitable to ana lyze the intra-specific genetic diversities and genetic relationships ofC. japonica.
Expression Ana lysis of N eom yc in Phosphotransfe rase II (N PT II)Gene in Multigenes Transgen ic Poplar
HOU Ying-jie, SU Xiao-hua, ZHANG Bing-yu, CHU Yan-guang
2009, 22(5): 630-634.
PCR amp lification was app lied on selectable marker gene neom ycin phosphotransferase II (N PT II) in twotransgenic pop lar species, P. ×euram ericana‘Guariento’and Populus alba ×P. glandulosa which contain one tofive foreign genes. The results showed that this gene was stable integrated in the genome of pop lar trees analyzed.To quantify the exp ression of N PT II gene, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was performed on both transgenicpop lar species. The results showed highly significant linear correlation between quantity ofNPTII p roteins and theirOD values, while the quantity of NPTII p roteins exp ressed in different transgenic lines did not increase with theincreased number of transgenes in both pop lar species. Our results indicated that the potential biosecurity riskcaused by multip legenes transgenic pop larwas notmore serious than that of single gene transgenic pop lar.
Preliminary Study on Relationship between Taproot Sap Flow andLeafArea of Caragana korshinskii
DANG Hong-zhong, ZHANG Jin-song, LI Wei
2009, 22(5): 635-640.
Based on samp ling and measuring sap flow in taproo t of Caragana korsh inskii by Therma l D issipationProbe( TDP), data fo r 30 typ ica l sunny days w ere se lected for ana lyzing, it show ed that the transportat ion o f sapflow in taprootw as contro lled by atmosphere evaporat ion, canopy export and sapw ood area. Sapwood area played animportant ro le in ensuring w ater transport unblocked under high atmosphere evaporating and canopy transportingcond it ion. Itw as indica ted that the da ilymean sap flow velocity ofNo. 1 3 samp le treesw ere 457. 92, 1 014. 66 and292. 12 g?d-1 respect ive ly, and the sapw ood areaw ere 6. 61, 7. 17, and 5. 06 cm2 respectively, the form er variedaccording ly w ith the latter. Therew ere sign ificant d ifferences in sap flow velocity among the sample trees, wh ile nosign ificant d ifferences w ere found in sap flow velocity per leaf area, so leaf areawh ich characterized by canopy tran spiration dem andsmay be amore importan t variable than sapw ood area forw ater transport ing and so ilw ater fo r pro v id ing in soil p lant atmosphere con tinuum. The so ilmo isture cond it ion at depth from 60 to 140 cm in trial periodw as adapted for 3 sample trees o fCaragana korshinsk ii, wh ich accoun ted fo r 51. 04%, 63. 26% and 87. 0% of f ie ldmoisture capacity respectively. The daily variat ion pattern o f No. 2 w as related w ith Poten tial Evapotransp iration( ET0 ) more c lose ly than the o thers, so the ratio o f leaf area to sapwood area of No. 2 wh ich w as 0. 62m2? cm-2imp lied that the ab ility of sapwood transportationmatched w e llw ith canopy demands, and could be used as a b io log ical characteristic index for reflecting the hydro log ical adaptat ion ofCaragana korshinskii.
Study on H igh yield Cultivation Technology of ShortRotationMedical Plantation of Cephalotaxus fortunei
PAN Biao-zhi
2009, 22(5): 641-646.
Considering the slow grow th rate o f Cephalotaxus furtunei, field trials were conducted including seed lingfostering, plantation cultivat ion asw ell as harvestingmode to establish systematic technique including nursing o f superseedlings, cult ivation of short period, high y ield officinal plantat ion o f C. furtunei. Through time ly acce lerat inggerm ination, early sow ing, t imely shading a fter germ ination ( 10% intensity o f the sunlight), favorab lemanagementforw ater and fertility, as w ell as strict contro l for disease and pes,t the g row th rate of one year o ld seedlings w ereimproved, and the average height and d iameter ofC. furtunei seed lings reached 20 cm and 0. 45 cm respectively. Thee ff icient nursing cou ld be achieved by the utilizat ion of super provenances and varieties, as w ell as match ing forrelevant scient ific techn iques for nursing. For themountainous sites, land under the crow n o f broad leaf at grade?? o rstands, asw ell as eastward shady land w ou ld be preferentia,l and super seed lings of grade I or IIw ith 21- 25 cm forheight and 0. 40 cm for diameter should be selected for cultivat ion. The proper planting density shou ld be 1 m ×0. 3m and 0. 3 m × 0. 3m for land under broadleaf crow n and shady droughty land respect ively. If the havelock equipment in f ie ld w as used, seed lings w ith 15- 20 cm for he ight and 0. 30 cm for d iameter shou ld be selected forcu lt ivation, w ith the density and transm ittance be ing 0. 3 cm × 0. 3 cm and 50% respective ly. A fter plant ing,fostering for young seedlings and preventing for disease and pest shou ld be streng thened, at the same time the N, Pand K shou ld be properly applied. The harves,t including harvest of branches, leaves, cutt ing stem or thewho le p lantin short period and high y ield offic inal plantat ion o fC. fortunei shou ld be performed in autumn and w inter 3- 4 yearsor 4- 5 years after planting, o fwh ich the stem should be cut at height of 10 cm.
N iche of Three Dom inant Shoot boring Noctuids andTheir Interspecific Competition
HUANG Qiong-yao, SHU Jin-ping, ZHANG Ai-liang, XU Tian-sen, WANG Hao-jie
2009, 22(5): 647-651.
Shoot boring noctu ids are the most importan t pests in bamboo shoot periods. In th is paper, insectpopulat ion b iology theory w as used to ana lyze quantitatively the niches of three dom inant shoo t boring noctu ids.These noctuids w ere investigated on three bamboo spec ies, Phy llostachy s praecox, P. iridescins and P. glauca,respectively. Itw as found that the popu lation density ofK umasia kumaso and Apamea ap am eoides w ere the ma inspec ies. The former reached the peak from late A pr il to early M ay, exper ienc ing seven days or so, and the latteraggregated on m id M ay, lasting about ten days. These tw o spec ies occurred separately. Oligia vulgaris w erecaptured few er in the field and observed to be less infested than the prev iousmentioned tw o species. Analysis fromeco log ica l ind ices show ed that temporal n ich breadth ofK. kumaso w as the narrow est among three noctu ids. Thetempora l n iche sim ilarity be tw een Oligia vulgaris and Apamea kumaso w as h igher than 0. 7 w hile the interspec ificcompetition coefficient w as 0. 907 3. The results ind icated tha t the competition betw een O. vulgaris andK. kumasoeventua lly resoulted in the sign if icantly h igher populat ion density ofK. kumaso than O. vulgaris. The temporaln iche breath ra lues ofK. kumaso and A. apam eoides w as very sim ilar. It had never observed that three spec iescoex isted on the same shoots. The coex istence rat ios of tw o o f them w as only 0. 97%.
Research on the Biocontrol ofM onocham us a lte rna tus Larvaeby B eauve ria bassiana with Severa l Synerg ists
LIU Hong-jian, SHU Qing-long, WANG Lai-fa, PIAO Chun-gen, FANG Jian-min, DONG Guang-ping
2009, 22(5): 652-656.
B eauveria bassiana spore suspension wasmixed with trehalose, glucose, L-alanine and FeSO4 respectively,and were made up 4 different concentrations of synergist of B. bassiana spore suspension, then inoculated them on theM onocham us alternatus larvae. The results showed that four different kinds of synergistsmade a certain synergism inthe p rocess of control of B. bassiana toM. alternatus larvae. The death rate ofM. alternatus larvae was increased onan average of 18. 05% by trehalose-additives; That was increased on an average of 8. 75% by glucose. In the 11thday, the death rates of M. alternatus larvae were increased on 23. 1%, 76. 9%, 15. 4%, 53. 8% respectively bydifferent concentration spore suspensions of trehalose. They were increased by 30. 8%, 0. 0%, 53. 8%, 7. 7%respectively by glucose, increased by 38. 5%, 23. 1%, 23. 1%, - 7. 7% respectively by L-alanine, and increased by14. 04%, 36. 39%, 16. 71%, 20. 67% respectively by FeSO4.
Coppice Performance ofEucalyp tus urophylla clone U6
CHEN Shao-xiong, LI Tian-hui, LI Zhi-hui, XIE Yao-jian, LIU Su-qing
2009, 22(5): 657-661.
Eucalyp tus urophylla clone U6 w as one o f the most common eucalypt c lone planted in Southern China.The resu lts show ed that the number of sprout spo,t copp ice number and he ight at the age of 2months fellow ed theW eibull d istribut ion, the kurtosis w as over 3, higher than no rma l schoo,l the skewness over 0, as an an isomerousd istr ibution. The number o f sprout spotw as related w ith b io log ica l features but no t related w ith height and d iam etero f stumps as it changed w ith random ic ity. Copp ice number a ffected by he ight and diameter o f stumps. The b iggerthe d iam eter, the more the coppice number, it show ed a linearity relat ionship. The coppice number increased w iththe he ight of stumpsw hen the heightw as under 16 cm, itw ould decreasewhen the he igh twas over 16 cm, it fo lloweda thrice parabola. The copp ice heightw as affected by the height of stumps, it increased when stump he igh twas under12 cm, then decreased wh ile over 12 cm; The coppice height w as negat ively related by stump d iameter.
The Bioma ss Structure and the Pa ttern of Subterranean Stem Growth ofCh im onobam busa angustifolia f. reple tea Clone Popula tion
GAN Xiao-hong, CHEN Qi-gui, WANG Hai, WEN Zhong-bin
2009, 22(5): 662-666.
According to the theory of component framework and the methods of population ecology, the biomassstructure and the pattern of subterranean stem growth of Ch im onobam busa angustifolia f. repletea clone populationwas studied systematically. The results were as follows: ( 1 ) The biomass allocations ratios among culm, leaf,branch, bamboo stump, subterranean stem, root were 36. 30%, 21. 13%, 17. 82%, 13. 43%, 10. 18% and1. 14% respectively. Thereinto, the biomass of aboveground parts accounted for 75. 25% mostly focused on theramets from 1 to 3 a. The biomass allocations of aboveground parts varied with age. The water content of culms,branches and leaves of C. angustifolia f. repleta would decrease with aging. (2) The components of subterraneanstem of C. angustifolia f. repleta were smaller, and itwas difficult for the buds on culm base and bamboo stump totranslate into strong buds, and the subterranean stemsmainly distributed in the shallow soil of 15 cm dep th, whichwas unfavorable to its clone growth resulting in the sparsity of species.
The Var ia tion Character istics of So ilOrgan ic Carbon and Its InfluenceFactor in D ifferent Developing Stages of Chinese f ir Planta tion s
WANG Dan, WANG Bing, DAI wei, LI Ping, HU Wen, GUO Hao
2009, 22(5): 667-671.
The variation characteristics of soil organic carbon ( SOC) in different develop ing stages of Chinese firp lantations were studied in Dagang mountain of J iangxi Province. Correlation analysis and stepwise regressionanalysiswere used to investigate the influence of soil factors on SOC content. Results showed that SOC contentdecreased with increasing soil dep th. Significant variation characteristics of SOC contentwere found in different soillayers, with coefficient variation in the order of 40 - 60 cm > 20 - 40 cm > 0 - 20 cm, especially in the mediumforest soil. With the growth and development of Chinese fir p lantations, SOC content decreased from juvenile tomedium, and then increased from medium to over-mature. The SOC content had close correlations with totalnitrogen content and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen content. The SOC regression equations in different develop ingstages of Chinese fir p lantationswere established with high regression estimation p recision. Compared Beta suggestedthat soil nitrogen was the leading factor of SOC content variation.
Construction and Analysis of the Suppression SubtractiveHybridization L ibrary of Larix Cuttings during Rooting
FENG Jian, QI Li-wang, SUN Xiao-mei, HAN Su-ying, ZHANG Shou-gong
2009, 22(5): 672-676.
Taking the stem s and roots of tw o fu ll sib clones w ith significant d ifference in roo ting rate as testmaterials, tw o differential expression cDNA librar ies o f Larix cutting during root ing w ere established by PCR se lectTM cDNA subtract ion k i.t The resu lts of analysis of Rsa I d igest ion, ligat ion and subtraction eff iciency show edtha t the tw o libraries w ere established successfully. The posit ive clones w ere screened by PCR and dot blots. 521UniEST w ere obta ined by sequenc ing and b io informat ics ana lysis.
D iurna l Change of Photosynthetic Character istics and Response to L ightIntensity of P inus kesiya Royle ex Gordon var. langbianensis
LIU Juan, LIANG Jun-sheng, WANG Jian-min, CHEN Xiao-ming, YANG Zi-xiang, CHEN Hang
2009, 22(5): 677-682.
Diurnal changes of photosynthesis and light response curve of Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon var.langbianensis were measured with L icor26400 in dry season, and the relationship among the photosyntheticphysiological factors and the ecological factors were analyzed. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate(Pn), transp iration rate ( Tr) andWater Use Efficiency (WUE) of P. kesiya Royle ex Gordon var. langbianensishad a diurnal change with three peaks respectively in dry season, the peaks of Pn occurred at 12: 00, 14: 00 and 17:00 respectively when the light intensity and temperature reached the highest level (14: 00), while intercellular CO2concentration (Ci) changed in an adverse way. The correlations between Pn and PAR, Ta, RH, Tr and PAR, Ta,RH, Cond and PAR, Ta, RH fitted quadratic curve model respectively. There was a significant positive correlationbetween Pn and photosynthetic active radiation ( PAR ) ( P -2 · s-1 showed as typ ical heliophyte, and it belongs to the high light energy potentialp roductivity tree for its photosynthetic characteristics of high photosynthetic efficiency.
MorphologicalRecords of Immature Stages and Biology of Pap ilio memnonand P. helenus ( Lepidoptera: Papilion idae)
ZHOU Cheng-li, CHEN Xiao-ming, SHI Jun-yi, YI Chuan-hui
2009, 22(5): 683-690.
M orpho logy of immature stages and bio log ical characterist ics o f tw o papilionid butterflies, Pap ilio memnonL. and P. helenus L. w ere observed. The adu lts o f both the species v isited flow ers such as those ofLantana camaraL inn. ( V erbenaceae ), C lerod endrum bungei Steud. ( Verbenaceae ) and Sambucus sp. ( C aprifo liaceae ), andthe non gregarious larvae had five instars. The experimental populat ions o f bo th the two spec ies are mu lt ivoltine,and had 3 and 5 generations a year forP. m emnon L. and P. helenus L., respectively. WhileP. m emnon L. usedC itrus spp. ( Ru taceae ) as hostplants atM.t Eme,i S ichuan Prov ince, P. helenus L. used mainly those in generaC itrus and Zanthoxy lum of the same fam ily in south Yunnan Province. Some exce llent hostplants used in the large scale breedings o f the tw o butterfly spec ies are also recommended.
G iem sa C-band ing, F ISH and Karyotype Ana lysis ofPhyllosta chys pubescens var. heterocycla Chrom osom e
XU Chuan-mei, ZHENG Hua-wei, WANG Cong, TANG Ding-qin
2009, 22(5): 691-695.
Giemsa C-band ing and FISH analysis of the Ph. pubescens var. heterocycla chromosomes from root tipswere carried ou t in this research. The resu lts showed that the C-band ing karyotypewou ld be 2n= 48= 4CI+ 2CI+ T+ 2CT+ + 10CT+ + 4I+ 2I+ + 6T+ + 6C+ 8T + 2IT + 2I+ T. The specific C-band ing points on each chromosomecou ld be distinguished and the d ifferences ofC-band ing intensity a lso could be recognized. 45S rDNA was used asprobe for FISH analysis, and one couple of hybridization signals was d isp layed on the chromosome centrimere. Inthis research we have a conclusion that chromosomes ofPh. pubescens var. heterocycla can be easily distinguishedand identified by Giemsa C-band ing and FISH approaches.
Nutr itive Elements Ana lysis and Eva lua tion ofMaca( L epidium m eyen ii) Cultiva ted in Yunnan
FENG Ying, HE Zhao, XU Long-feng, ZHANG Zhong-he, SHI Lei, CHEN Xiao-ming
2009, 22(5): 696-700.
The nutritive elements ofMaca (Lepidium m eyenii) cultivated in Yunnan were analyzed and evaluated inthis paper. The results showed that the p rotein amount ofMaca cultivated in Yunnan is 16. 7 ×104 mg·kg-1, crudefiber 21. 5 ×104 mg·kg-1, total amount of amino acids 9. 30%. Maca cultivated in Yunnan contains severalinorganic elements and vitamins. The fat amount is low in Maca cultivated in Yunnan. The nutritive elements inMaca cultivated Yunnan andMaca grown in Peru are similar. The amounts of p rotein, crude fiber, calcium, iron,zinc and vitamin C are higher than those inMaca grown in Peru. The analysis results showed thatMaca cultivated inYunnan is nutritious and has value to develop.
Study on the Feeding, Fecundity and Duration ofHy lobitelus xiaoi Zhang Adult ofD ifferentHosts
TANG Yan-long, WEN Xiao-sui, SHI Ming-qing, YANG Qing-pei, WANG Li-na, HE Xiao-long
2009, 22(5): 701-704.
E ffects o f 8 p lant spec ies on the feeding, fecund ity and durat ion o fH ylobitelus x iao i adu ltsw ere eva luateda t a constant temperature of 25℃ and relat ive hum id ities ( RH ) of 90%. Resu lts show ed that the adults consumed83. 9 mm2 of P inus elliottii tw igs wh ich w as sign ificantly higher than they d id on o ther plant spec ies. Adults la idsign ificantly more eggs and lived sign if icantly longer on P inus elliottii tw igs than on the other p lant spec ies tw igs.Feeding on Cunninghamia lanceola ta、P odocarpus macrophyllus and P seudo larix kaemof eri led to highermortality o fthe adu lts.
Popu lus Cultiva tion-clones in D ifferent Cultiva ted Areaand Its D isea ses in Ch ina
XU Mei-qing, ZHOU Xu-dong, PIAO Chun-gang
2009, 22(5): 705-714.
There are 53 Populus species distributed in 22 p rovinces of China, with the total area of over 1 000million ha, 425. 965 million m3 of total standing stock, and 60. 5 m3 per ha on the average. There are over 7 millionha of Populus p lantation in China, constituting 19 % of the total p lantation area. 3. 09 million ha of the p lantation,roughtly 40% of the total, is mainly for timber p roduction. During the period of 2002—2007, a number of 28Populus species had been selected and assessed by National Committee of Tree Species Assessment as good-growthones. Moreover, five geographic regions sultable for pop lar trees were identified by National Pop lar Commission ofChina. In this review, the authors outlined the Chinese literatures on Popu lus diseases in the past 40 years andlisted 246 pathogen organisms from 98 ( including species, clones, and cultivateds) Populus. These included 205fungi (30 Ascomycota, 99 Basidiomycota and 68 Mitosporic fungi), 12 bacteria, 1 virus, 11 nematodes, 6 mitesand 11 parasitic seed p lants. Occurrences of various diseases from each Populus sp., number of fungal diseases andtheir occurred frequencies from each of 5 Sections of Populus were also p rovided.
Research Progress of CoarseWoody Debris in Forest Ecosystems
HE Dong-jin, HE Xiao-juan, HONG Wei, LIU Yong-sheng, BIAN Li-li, QIN De-hua, YOU Hui-ming
2009, 22(5): 715-721.
Coarse woody debris ( CWD ) is an important structural and funct ional component o f forest ecosystem s andplays a key role in keeping the integrity of ecosystems. The concept of CWD and its classification system were speci fied, and the dynam ics o f the domestic and abroad study on CWD w ere sorted out and summarized. Besides, it w aspo inted out that the eco log ical functions ofCWD had been attached g reat importance to by the researchers at home andabroad, especially those facets like the CWD storage, decomposition rate, nutrients storage ( C and N, etc. ), the processo f dynam ic change and its characterist ics, the influence on the regeneration and succession of forest ecosystems andb iod iversity protection, strong water and soil conservation functions of CWD ( inhibit ing water and so il loss, improv ingso il tex ture), and the function of seedling nursing re lative tow ater and so il conservation, w ere presented and stud ied.
Influences of So ilMo isture on So il Respira tion
DENG Dong-zhou, FAN Zhi-ping, WANG Hong, SUN Xue-kai, GAO Jun-gang, ZENG De-hui, ZHANG Xin-hou
2009, 22(5): 722-727.
Soil resp iration is an important component of the terrestrial ecosystems carbon cycle, and has great effectson maintaining the balance of global carbon. Global warming is expected to alter patterns of global atmospherecirculation and hydrologic cycling, and this will lead to the change of p recip itation regimes on global to regionalscales, which will have a direct effect on soilmoisture, so it is necessary to study how the change of soil moisturewould affect soil resp iration for p redicting change of soil carbon storage in the future. In this paper, the authorsreviewed the studies about the influences of soilmoisture change on soil resp iration, then analyzed how the change ofsoil moisture would affect each component of soil resp iration systemically, and introduced how the soil moisturewould affect Q10 briefly, finally, it point out the study fields that should be emphasized in the future.
SDS-PAGE Ana lysis on Prote in ofH yphan tria cunea Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus
XUE Jian-jie, QU Liang-jian, WANG Yu-zhu, ZHANG Yong-an, TANG Ming, YANG Wei-yi
2009, 22(5): 728-731.
Hyphantria cuea nucleopolyhedrovirus (HcNPV) and several other nucleopolyhedrosis was extracted bydifferential centrifugation, and purified with sucrose gradient centrifugation method. Polyhedrin was gotten andanalysed by SDS - PAGE. It indicated thatmost of those p roteins had 32 KD p rotein band, and with 64 KD p rotein,and might be the main p rotein dimer with the structure and found Hyphantria cunea nuclear polyhedrosis virusp rotein in 18 KD department had a specific band.
Effect of Plastic F ilm Mulch ing on Trace Element and NutritionofW ine Bamboo Shoot, Oxy tenanthera braunii
LI Wei-cheng, WANG Shu-dong, ZHONG Zhe-ke, ZHOU Yan
2009, 22(5): 732-735.
The a im o f this paper is to prov ide the data that the transplant advantage in sou thw est arid ity area of Chinaso that shoot? s trace e lement and nutritional components ofw ine bamboo, Oxy tenanthera braunii, through thew in terespecially under p lastic film mulch ing condit ion w eremeasured. The resu lts show ed that p last ic film mulch ing cou ldprecede in t ime o f shoot germ ina tion and enhance the shoot qua lity such as improv ing absorbab ility of trace elemen,tincreasing content o f prote in, sugar, coarse f iber and ma jor ity o f am ino acid. And a lso, it cou ld acce lerate thedevelopment of shoo t responding to the difference o f base d iame ter. W ine bamboo? s trace elementw as rich, and thecontent o f crude fat and sugarw ere h igher compared w ith the shoot ofPhy llostachy s edulis, P. edulis cv. p achy loenand Dendrocalamus brand isii w ith the closer relat ionship that the ex cret ing sap contained about 5% a lcoho l throughnew cutt ing stem. W ine bamboo germ inated shoo ts in w ho le year at Mo jiang Base if mother plan t could absorbenough nutrition resulting in great consumption o f nutriment and physiolog ical turbulence like decreasing am ino ac idcontent under an inaptitude condition. So the am ino acid content w as low w hich w ere 1. 3%, 1. 04% undertreatment of plastic film mu lching and the contro l respectively, although a ll kinds of necessary am ino acid w ereincluded. Shoot o fw ine bamboo had a spec ial taste for its low er tannin conten t and higher aspartic acid and g lutam icac id contents. Synthetica lly, short time of plastic film mu lching show ed to be amethod to provide the necessary so ilw ater and mean temperature and do good for development and soil qua lity though w inter.
Study on a Synerg istic Effect of Three FluorescentBr ighteners on H yphan tria cunea NPV
YANG Wei-yi, ZHANG Yong-an, TANG Ming, WANG Yu-zhu, QU Liang-jian, XUE Jian-jie
2009, 22(5): 736-739.
The combinations of Hyphantria cunea NPV (HcNPV) and three different fluorescent brighteners BA,VBL, CBS-X were added to the artificial diet and the influence of synergists in concentration 25 ℃ and 14L /10D( h). The results showed that the fluorescent brightenersBA and VBL had higher insecticidal activity, CBS-X had notsignificant synergistic effect.
Embroyogen ic Ca llus Induction and Plant Regenera tion ofClones GL9 of Euca lyptus grandis ×E. u rophylla
QIU Zhen-fei, ZENG Bing-shan, LI Xiang-yang, LIU Ying
2009, 22(5): 740-743.
The embryogenic callus induction and shoot regeneration were studied systematically in elite clone GL9 ofEuca lyptus cultivated widely in south China. We investigated TDZ 0. 02 - 0. 05 mg ·L-1 was the p roperconcentration. The callus induction rate was 92. 9%—100%. When TDZ concentration was higher than 0. 1 mg·L-1, the axillary bud germination was comp letely inhibited. TDZ 0. 02 mg·L-1 with combinations of Cocl2 0. 125mg·L-1 could induct the embryogenic callus. The direct regeneration rate was 13. 39% ±1. 03%, and withcombinations ofNAA 0. 1mg·L-1 could not differentiate directly from callus, but higher regeneration rate (20. 2%±13. 3% ) could be obtained by transferring callus onto regeneration medium. The size of callus can increase to1. 4 fold of its original size in the first subculture in modified MS + TDZ 0. 02 mg·L-1 + NAA 0. 1 mg·L-1medium and the average number of deep2p ink2coloured masses of embryogenic cells on each calluswas 8. 4. In thesecond and third subculture, callus stopped growing further and the number of masses of embryogenic cellsdecreased gradually. Regeneration system could lay a good foundation for further transformation research.
Determ ina tion, Forma tion and Accumula tion ofAucubin in Eucomm ia u lm oides Seeds
DU Hong-yan, LI Qin, LI Fu-hai, SUN Yan-chao, DU Lan-ying
2009, 22(5): 744-746.
To establish a HPLC method to determine the content of aucubin in Eucomm ia ulm oides seeds, to searchfor the formation and accumulation of aucubin in Eucomm ia ulm oides seeds, and to p rovide foundation for thesuitable harvest season of aucubin in Eucomm ia ulm oides seeds, the Hypersil GLOD2C18 column ( 250 mm ×4. 6mm, 5μm)with temperature at 25 ℃was used. The mobile phase wasmethanol-water (8∶92), at a flow rate of 1. 0mL·min-1, and the detective wavelength was 206 nm. The results indicated that the method of HPLC was efficient, and the average recovery of the aucubin in Eucomm ia ulm oides seeds was 98. 61%, RSD = 1. 14% ( n = 6). Thedetermination of aucubin was gradually raised with the seed growth, while the formation and accumulation from June25 th to Sep tember 5 th increased slowly, and the determination of aucubin from Sep tember 5 th to 25 th raisedquickily, and then kep t relatively stable. Considering the extraction and utilization of aucubin, the date fromSep tember 25 th to October 25 th was the most suitable period for collecting Eucomm ia ulm oides seeds.
Analysis of Landscape Structure Characteristics in Beijing
LI Wei, JIA Bao-quan, WANG Cheng, QIE Guang-fa
2009, 22(5): 747-752.
By themeans of 3S techno logy, the landscape of B eijing was d iv ided into 6 primary landscape types and18 landscape patch types in the study, and a series of indexes w ere calcu lated by mode ls to analyze the spec ialstructure of Be ijing landscape. The results show: that the forest land is themax im al and basa l landscape patch type( area proportion is 42. 534% ), farm land ( 28. 888% ) and construction area ( 16. 639% ) are also the ma inlandscape types in B eijing. From landscape patch types and landscape patch catego ries levels, the landscape patchd istr ibuton is centralized, and patch shape is simple, the main landscape patch fractal d imension indexes are under1. 1, so urban landscape pattern is high ly influenced by human disturbance.