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Volume 31 Issue 3
Jul.  2019
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Studies on Free Amino Acids of Aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis and the Host Plant Rhus chinensis

  • Corresponding author: CHEN Xiao-ming, cafcxm@139.com
  • Received Date: 2017-12-18
  • Objective to illustrate the nutrition relationship of free amino acids in aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis, horn gall and host plant Rhus chinensis during their cooperative growth. Method The contents of free amino acids in aphid, horn gall, leaf with gall, leaf without gall and CK (leaf on the tree without aphid) were detected by automatic amino acid analyzer Biochrom30+, and the total amount of free amino acids (FAA), the content of essential amino acids (EAA), the ratio of EAA/TAA and several free amino acids in the early, middle and later stages of gall growth were analyzed by variance analysis. Result All samples in different stages contained the same components, including 32 free amino acids (17 protein amino acids and 15 non-protein amino acids) and 2 other components (no ammonia). The concentration of free amino acids (FAA) from big to small was aphid (5.569) > horn gall (2.122) > leaf with gall (0.560) > leaf not gall (0.537) > CK (-0.114). The amount of EAA in aphids increased gradually with the generation increasing. The variation range of EAA/TAA from big to small was CK (1.73%)>leaf with gall (0.52%) = leaf without gall (0.52%)>horn gall (0.43%) >aphid (0.02%). And the EAA/TAA of aphids was stable at 27.91 + 0.01%. It indicated that the parasitation of aphid may decrease the variation range of EAA/TAA in the tree significantly. The contents of arginine and phenylalanine in aphids increased by 2.93 times during the growth of horn gall, and the content of proline in plant tissues also increased, and its increasing range from big to small was horn gall (0.028) > leaf with gall (0.003) > leaf without gall (-0.001) > CK (-0.018). Conclusion The aphid parasitation cannot change the amino acid components in leaves of R. chinensis, but increase the concentrations of free amino acids. The increasing trend of total free amino acids in R. chinensis is almost consistent with the increasing trend of the aphid individual number and horn gall volume during the gall growth process and that may reflect the balance between the aphid feeding and plant defense.
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Studies on Free Amino Acids of Aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis and the Host Plant Rhus chinensis

    Corresponding author: CHEN Xiao-ming, cafcxm@139.com
  • 1. Research Institute of Resources Insects, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Key Laboratory of Cultivating and Utilization of Resources Insects, State Forestry Administration, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
  • 2. Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China

Abstract:  Objective to illustrate the nutrition relationship of free amino acids in aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis, horn gall and host plant Rhus chinensis during their cooperative growth. Method The contents of free amino acids in aphid, horn gall, leaf with gall, leaf without gall and CK (leaf on the tree without aphid) were detected by automatic amino acid analyzer Biochrom30+, and the total amount of free amino acids (FAA), the content of essential amino acids (EAA), the ratio of EAA/TAA and several free amino acids in the early, middle and later stages of gall growth were analyzed by variance analysis. Result All samples in different stages contained the same components, including 32 free amino acids (17 protein amino acids and 15 non-protein amino acids) and 2 other components (no ammonia). The concentration of free amino acids (FAA) from big to small was aphid (5.569) > horn gall (2.122) > leaf with gall (0.560) > leaf not gall (0.537) > CK (-0.114). The amount of EAA in aphids increased gradually with the generation increasing. The variation range of EAA/TAA from big to small was CK (1.73%)>leaf with gall (0.52%) = leaf without gall (0.52%)>horn gall (0.43%) >aphid (0.02%). And the EAA/TAA of aphids was stable at 27.91 + 0.01%. It indicated that the parasitation of aphid may decrease the variation range of EAA/TAA in the tree significantly. The contents of arginine and phenylalanine in aphids increased by 2.93 times during the growth of horn gall, and the content of proline in plant tissues also increased, and its increasing range from big to small was horn gall (0.028) > leaf with gall (0.003) > leaf without gall (-0.001) > CK (-0.018). Conclusion The aphid parasitation cannot change the amino acid components in leaves of R. chinensis, but increase the concentrations of free amino acids. The increasing trend of total free amino acids in R. chinensis is almost consistent with the increasing trend of the aphid individual number and horn gall volume during the gall growth process and that may reflect the balance between the aphid feeding and plant defense.

  • 角倍蚜(Schlechtendalia chinensis Bell)在盐肤木(Rhus chinensis Mill)上形成的虫瘿称为角倍,而角倍是五倍子中分布最广泛、产量最大的种类,其主要成分单宁酸,广泛应用于化工、医药、食品和轻工等行业,是我国传统的林特产品。致瘿昆虫的寄生会对寄主植物生理代谢产生影响,虫瘿是植物发育过程被昆虫改变的结果[1-2]。氨基酸是生命营养物质蛋白质合成的必要底物,生物体内以游离状态存在的氨基酸被称为游离氨基酸。游离氨基酸是蚜虫生长发育所必需氮素的唯一来源,并以氮素为基础合成自身所需的各种物质[3-5],也是蚜虫与植物之间相互联系的纽带,对其营养和生长发育的调控具有重要作用。精氨酸是昆虫肌肉磷酸精氨酸的合成前体物质,苯丙氨酸是昆虫体壁暗化和硬化作用的酚、醌的来源物质[6];脯氨酸作为植物体内一种广泛存在的渗透调节物质,在植物响应逆境胁迫及生长发育过程中发挥多种保护功能[7]。角倍蚜虫瘿的形成和生长是如何影响寄主盐肤木营养生理代谢的,迄今未见报道。因此,测定和分析角倍蚜、角倍和盐肤木内的游离氨基酸含量变化,有助于深入理解角倍蚜取食攻击与盐肤木防御之间的平衡关系,明确虫瘿生长和营养物质的源库转化关系。


1.   材料与方法
  • 试验材料采自云南省昭通市盐津县牛寨村试验基地(104°39′ E,28°10′ N,海拔860 m)的3年生盐肤木林,为结倍树上的角倍蚜、角倍、有倍叶、无倍叶及对照树的无倍叶(CK),选择叶片时,保持叶位一致,生长势相同,无病虫害。在林间采集新鲜样本,立即放置于液氮罐保存,带回实验室内处理和制备,采集时间和特征见表 1

    Gall growth stage
    Collection date
    Gall size /cm3
    Aphid characteristic
    Percentage of different type of aphid/%
    初期Early stagd 07-09 0.69±0.30 f 无翅干雌一代 无翅、浅黄色 18.00±2.16 f 100
    07-27 1.06±0.30 e 无翅干雌一代 无翅、浅黄色 94.00±4.97 e ≥95
    中期Middle stage 08-18 2.47±0.11 d 无翅干雌二代 无翅、深褐色 568.33±27.21 d ≥80
    09-14 15.38±0.99 c 无翅干雌二代 无翅、深褐色 7 668.33±387.63 c ≥95
    后期Late stage 09-29 53.68±5.81 ab 有翅干雌(秋迁蚜) 有翅、黑色 12 973.67±210.37 b ≥80
    10-11 57.07±3.26 ab 有翅干雌(秋迁蚜) 有翅、黑色 19 372.67±325.43 a ≥95
    Note: The life cycle of S. chinensis include fundatrix, first generation of wingless fundatrigenia, second generation of wingless fundatrigenia, and alate fundatrigenia (autumnmigrant aphid). The fundatrix and fundatrigenia grow and reproduce in closed gall, and its individual may increased to thousands. Note: lower-case letters represent significant difference among different samples (vertical comparison). The different letter in the same column means significant difference (P<0.05).

    Table 1.  Horn gall collection date and aphid sample characteristics

  • 仪器:烘箱XMTD-8222(上海精宏)、全自动氨基酸分析仪Biochrom30+(Biochrom)、程序真空干燥箱VOS-300VD(EYELA)、旋转蒸发仪N-1000V-W(东京理化)、真空泵MHY-24595(北京美华仪)、水解管(硬质玻璃管35 mL)、离心机(10 000 r·min-1以上)、0.45 μm微孔滤膜及过滤器。

    试剂:柠檬酸钠、盐酸、盐酸溶液、氢氧化钠溶液、磺基水杨酸液、EDTA-Na溶液、柠檬酸钠缓冲液、34种氨基酸混合标准品(laborservice onken 5.403.151)。

  • 植物叶片组织鲜样105℃杀青,85℃烘干,固体样经四分法缩分后,迅速研磨,过0.5 mm孔径筛,混合均匀,置于洁净、干燥的容器中保存。称取样品3.000 g,加入150 mL去离子水,于95℃水浴锅中加热溶解,在提取过程中不断振荡,直至液面无漂浮物时停止加热。将提取液置于250 mL容量瓶中定容,放置过夜。吸取上清液2 mL于10 mL离心管中,加入2 mL磺基水杨酸溶液,混匀,放置1 h。加入1 mL EDTA-Na和1 mL 0.06 mol·L-1的盐酸溶液,混匀,用0.45 μm微孔滤膜过滤。用移液枪吸取滤液1 mL于2 mL离心管中,于45℃下真空干燥56 h。残留物用1 mL、pH值2.2的柠檬酸钠缓冲液溶解后,超声震荡15 min,用一次性注射器吸取1 mL,0.45 μm微孔滤膜过滤到测定样品瓶中待检。

    昆虫角倍蚜鲜样用玻璃匀浆器在冰水条件下匀浆,将匀浆液转入1.5 mL Eppendorf管内进行低温离心,15 000 r·min-1,15 min;取0.6 mL上清液,再加入0.4 mL、10%磺基水杨酸溶液,再离心10 min,15 000 r·min-1,取上清液保存在-4℃冰箱待检。

  • 采用全自动氨基酸分析仪Biochrom30+(Biochrom)(Lithium column锂柱,Column# B-5219, Column# H-0037)参照《水溶肥料游离氨基酸含量测定方法》NY/T 1975-2010 [8]对样品进行外标法测定,柱温53℃,泵流速25 mL·h-1,泵压力90 kg·cm-2,分析时间120 min,进样体积20 μL,检测波长570 nm、440 nm。每一个样平行测定3次,取平均值。单位为质量百分数。

  • 采用单因素(One-way ANOVA)方差分析对角倍蚜、角倍、有倍叶、无倍叶及对照的氨基酸质量分数(%)进行分析;所有数据分析均在SPSS 17.0统计软件中完成,显著度水平为P<0.05。

2.   结果与分析
  • 在角倍生长的初、中、后期,角倍蚜、角倍、有倍叶、无倍叶及CK中均检出34种氨基酸混合标样成分,其中,游离氨基酸32种(包括17种蛋白质氨基酸,15种非蛋白质氨基酸),其他组分2种(不含氨)。表明角倍生长对寄主树的氨基酸组成没有影响。

  • 角倍生长期内,体积增大82.71倍,角倍蚜种群数量增加1 076.26倍;样品游离氨基酸总量增加倍数从大到小依次为角倍蚜(2.92倍)>角倍(1.99倍)>有倍叶(1.19倍)=无倍叶(1.19倍)>CK(0.96倍)。植物组织中游离氨基酸总量变化大小依次为角倍(2.122)>有倍叶(0.560)>无倍叶(0.537)>CK(-0.114)。与无倍树(CK)相比,有倍树上的有倍叶游离氨基酸总量初期和后期分别为CK的1.05倍和1.30倍;无倍叶初期和后期分别为CK的0.98倍和1.22倍。表明角倍蚜的取食和倍子的形成改变了植株不同部位的游离氨基酸含量,且这种含量的变化趋势与倍子的发育阶段、体积和蚜虫的数量有关(表 12)。

    氨基酸总量Total content of free amino acids/%
    初期Early stage 中期Middle stage 后期Late stage
    07-09 07-27 08-18 09-14 09-29 10-11
    角倍蚜S.chinensis 2.895±0.001 fB 2.904±0.002 eC 4.796±0.002 dA 5.874±0.002 cA 6.344±0.004 bA 8.464±0.005 aA
    角倍Horn gall 2.139±0.001 fE 2.373±0.001 eE 3.098±0.001 dC 3.512±0.003 cB 4.478±0.002 aB 4.261±0.003 bB
    有倍叶Leaf with gall 2.985±0.001 fA 3.280±0.002 cA 3.230±0.001 dB 3.063±0.001 eC 3.335±0.002 bC 3.545±0.000 aC
    无倍叶Leaf without gall 2.787±0.002 fD 2.916±0.002 eB 2.928±0.001 dE 2.984±0.003 cD 3.223±0.003 bD 3.324±0.001 aD
    CK 2.836±0.002 bC 2.877±0.002 aD 2.960±0.002 cD 2.605±0.002 fE 2.762±0.002 eE 2.722±0.002 fE
    Note: Different lower-case letter at the same lines means significant difference (horizontal comparison) (P<0.05); Different capital letter means significant difference (vertical comparison) (P<0.05). The same below.

    Table 2.  Total content of free amino acids in different samples




  • 角倍生长初期至后期,10种昆虫必需氨基酸(苏氨酸、缬氨酸、蛋氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸、组氨酸、色氨酸和精氨酸)[9-10]总量变化与游离氨基酸总量变化趋势完全一致,表明二者总量变化关系密切相关(表 3)。

    10种昆虫必须氨基酸总量Total content of 10 essential amino acids/%
    初期Early stage 中期Middle stage 后期Late stage
    07-09 07-27 08-18 09-14 09-29 10-11
    角倍蚜S.chinensis 1.027±0.000 fB 1.030±0.000 eC 1.701±0.001 dA 2.080±0.000 cA 2.248±0.001 bA 3.001±0.002 aA
    角倍Horn gall 0.759±0.000 fE 0.842±0.001 eE 1.098±0.000 dC 1.245±0.001 cB 1.588±0.001 aB 1.510±0.001 bB
    有倍叶Leaf with gall 1.058±0.000 fA 1.162±0.000 cA 1.145±0.001 dB 1.086±0.000 eC 1.182±0.004 bC 1.259±0.001 aC
    无倍叶Leaf without gall 0.989±0.001 fD 1.033±0.001 eB 1.038±0.000 dE 1.058±0.001 cD 1.142±0.001 bD 1.184±0.001 aD
    CK 1.006±0.001 cC 1.020±0.000 bD 1.049±0.000 aD 0.923±0.001 fE 0.961±0.001 eE 0.976±0.000 dE

    Table 3.  10 essential amino acid content of insects in different samples

  • 角倍生长的初期至后期,10种昆虫必需氨基酸总量与检出物质总量的比值(EAA/ TAA)存在差异,变化幅度大小为CK(1.73%)>有倍叶(0.52%)=无倍叶(0.52%)>角倍(0.43%)>角倍蚜(0.02%)(图 1)。角倍蚜EAA/TAA稳定为(27.91±0.01)%;角倍、有倍叶、无倍叶和CK的EAA/TAA变化均呈上升-下降-上升的波动变化。不同的是角倍、有倍叶和无倍叶在中期8月18日上升,后期9月29日降至最低,最后微幅上升,总体趋势起伏不大;CK由初期7月27日开始上升,至中期8月18日达到最大(29.23%),然后一直下降,在后期9月29日降至最低(27.50%),后期10月11日又微幅回升至28.71%。表明受角倍蚜取食的影响,与无蚜虫的盐肤木叶片相比,有倍树有倍叶EAA/TAA的变化幅度减小。

    Figure 1.  The ratio of essential amino acid content and the total content

  • 角倍生长初期至后期,角倍蚜也由无翅干雌一代、二代发育为秋迁蚜,体内精氨酸和苯丙氨酸含量均增加2.93倍。植物组织中脯氨酸含量略增加,各样品的增加幅度从大到小依次为角倍(0.028)>有倍叶(0.003)>无倍叶(-0.001)>CK(-0.018)。表明从初期到后期,角倍蚜体内精氨酸和苯丙氨酸含量增加显著;角倍和有倍叶中脯氨酸含量增加显著,无倍叶和对照脯氨酸含量却明显减少(表 4)。

    类别Category 游离酸含量The content of several free amino acids/%
    初期Early stage 中期Middle stage 后期Late stage
    07-09 07-27 08-18 09-14 09-29 10-11
    S. chinensis
    精氨酸Arg 0.120±0.000f 0.121±0.000e 0.199±0.000d 0.243±0.001c 0.263±0.001b 0.351±0.001a
    苯丙氨酸Phe 0.114±0.000ef 0.114±0.000ef 0.189±0.000d 0.231±0.001c 0.250±0.000b 0.334±0.001a
    角倍Horn gall 脯氨酸Pro 0.027±0.001fD 0.030±0.001eD 0.038±0.001dB 0.044±0.001cA 0.056±0.001aA 0.055±0.000bA
    有倍叶Leaf with gall 0.038±0.001efA 0.041±0.001bcdA 0.041±0.001bcdA 0.038±0.001efBC 0.044±0.001aB 0.041±0.001bcdB
    无倍叶Leaf without gall 0.035±0.001efBC 0.037±0.001bcdBC 0.037±0.001cdCD 0.038±0.001bBC 0.042±0.001aC 0.034±0.001efC
    CK 0.036±0.001bcBC 0.036±0.001bcBC 0.037±0.001aCD 0.033±0.001eD 0.035±0.001dcD 0.018±0.001fD

    Table 4.  The content of several free amino acids in different samples

3.   讨论
  • 虫瘿是某些昆虫通过产卵或取食刺激,诱导寄主植物细胞异常增生而形成的具有特定结构的增生组织[2, 11-12],致瘿昆虫在瘿内生活和繁殖,从瘿壁获取营养[13]。有研究表明,致瘿昆虫可以影响寄主植物体内游离氨基酸的组成及含量[4, 14-15],虫瘿内可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸等营养物质的含量高于正常组织[16],某些致瘿蚜虫通过操纵虫瘿从周围组织调取营养[17],满足自身的生长需求。角倍是一种典型的蚜虫虫瘿,本研究中虽然角倍蚜的取食和致瘿没有改变寄主盐肤木叶片的游离氨基酸组成,但却显著改变了植株不同部位的游离氨基酸含量,盐肤木各组织中的游离氨基酸总量变化大小倍数从大到小依次为角倍(2.122)>有倍叶(0.560)>无倍叶(0.537)>CK(-0.114),其中,角倍的游离氨基酸含量约为对照叶片的20倍,约为邻近有倍叶或无倍叶的4倍,而且这种氨基酸含量的升高与瘿内蚜虫个体数量和虫瘿体积的增加趋势一致,虫瘿和邻近叶片的游离氨基酸含量快速增加反映了盐肤木的抗虫能力随蚜虫数量的增加而增强。


4.   结论
  • (1) 角倍蚜取食不会改变寄主盐肤木叶片中游离氨基酸组分,但可使游离氨基酸总量增加。

    (2) 在角倍生长过程中,盐肤木植株游离氨基酸总量与角倍蚜个体数量和角倍体积的增加趋势基本一致,反映了角倍蚜取食与盐肤木防御之间的平衡。

Reference (19)



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