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Volume 32 Issue 1
Jul.  2019
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Growth Process of Tectona grandis Plantations in Daqingshan Mountains, Guangxi

  • Corresponding author: JIA Hong-yan, rlzxjhy@163.com
  • Received Date: 2018-03-11
    Accepted Date: 2018-07-18
  • Objective The growth process of Tectona grandis plantations was investigated and its relationship with meteorological factors was analyzed so as to provide evidences for plantation management of this species. Method Based on investigation of sampling plots, the dominant, mean and suppressed T. grandis trees aged about 30 years were sampled from high, medium and low growth types of its plantations, stem analysis was conducted for each sampled tree, and the growth process of these trees were compared among growth types. Grey correlation analysis was further applied to explore the effects of meteorological factors on annual tree growth of this species. Result The growth process of stem diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height and individual volume of T. grandis showed no significant difference among the three growth types and three classes of trees. The mean and current annual increments of DBH increased with tree age initially and then decreased, while decreased for those of height and increased for individual tree volume. The dominant trees or trees in high growth type of plantations had higher mean and current annual growth, longer rapid growth duration and slower growth declination of DBH and volume, while the difference in height growth were not obvious relatively. the 30-year-old trees did not reach the quantitative maturity. The difference of relationships between tree growth and meteorological factors among three growth types was only found on DBH. The main factor influencing current annual increment of DBH was extreme low temperature at high growth type, while mean annual precipitation at medium and low growth types. There was no significant difference of relationships between tree growth and meteorological factors among three classes of trees. The main factors influencing current annual increments of tree height and individual volume were mean annual precipitation and mean annual air temperature, respectively. Conclusion The growth processes of T. grandis are basically consistent in three growth types of plantations as well as for three grades of trees, their differences mainly demonstrate in growth performance and length of rapid growth. Due to the fact that T. grandis plantation do not reach quantitative maturity at the age of 30, tending and management are still important at the late stage for high-quality large-sized timber production of this species.
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Growth Process of Tectona grandis Plantations in Daqingshan Mountains, Guangxi

    Corresponding author: JIA Hong-yan, rlzxjhy@163.com
  • Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangxi Youyiguan Forest Ecosystem Research Station, Pingxiang 532600, Guangxi, China

Abstract:  Objective The growth process of Tectona grandis plantations was investigated and its relationship with meteorological factors was analyzed so as to provide evidences for plantation management of this species. Method Based on investigation of sampling plots, the dominant, mean and suppressed T. grandis trees aged about 30 years were sampled from high, medium and low growth types of its plantations, stem analysis was conducted for each sampled tree, and the growth process of these trees were compared among growth types. Grey correlation analysis was further applied to explore the effects of meteorological factors on annual tree growth of this species. Result The growth process of stem diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height and individual volume of T. grandis showed no significant difference among the three growth types and three classes of trees. The mean and current annual increments of DBH increased with tree age initially and then decreased, while decreased for those of height and increased for individual tree volume. The dominant trees or trees in high growth type of plantations had higher mean and current annual growth, longer rapid growth duration and slower growth declination of DBH and volume, while the difference in height growth were not obvious relatively. the 30-year-old trees did not reach the quantitative maturity. The difference of relationships between tree growth and meteorological factors among three growth types was only found on DBH. The main factor influencing current annual increment of DBH was extreme low temperature at high growth type, while mean annual precipitation at medium and low growth types. There was no significant difference of relationships between tree growth and meteorological factors among three classes of trees. The main factors influencing current annual increments of tree height and individual volume were mean annual precipitation and mean annual air temperature, respectively. Conclusion The growth processes of T. grandis are basically consistent in three growth types of plantations as well as for three grades of trees, their differences mainly demonstrate in growth performance and length of rapid growth. Due to the fact that T. grandis plantation do not reach quantitative maturity at the age of 30, tending and management are still important at the late stage for high-quality large-sized timber production of this species.

  • 林木生长过程是林木于不同年龄生长状态的直接表现,研究林木生长过程对于林分合理抚育经营有着重要指导意义。林木生长过程数据通常由定期连续观测或树干解析获取,树干解析对于未连续观测林分的生长过程重建尤为重要[1-3]。林木生长过程不仅受林分密度和抚育措施[4-6]、立地条件[7-8]等显著影响,亦与林分生长类型[9-10]、林木分级地位[11-13]等紧密相关;而生长类型通常通过立地指数进行划分[9-10],二者具有共通性。许景伟等[9]对沙岸黑松(Pinus thunbergii Parlatore)海防林及邱治军等[10]对徐淮平原杨树(Populus spp.)农田防护林的研究表明:优良林分生长表现好,数量成熟龄明显推后。李晓庆等[14]和张东北等[7]比较不同立地条件下杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.)的生长过程得出,优良立地杉木胸径、树高、材积的总生长量、平均生长量和最大连年生长量均较高,而且速生期持续时间较长。国内外对林分中不同分级木(优势木、平均木、被压木)生长过程的研究多数侧重于优势木或平均木生长过程及其模拟分析[12, 15-17],而开展分级木间的比较研究则不多,如玉宝等[18]对大兴安岭兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii (Ruprecht) Kuzeneva)天然林各分级木的生长过程及相互之间的转化率进行了研究。


    柚木(Tectona grandis L. f)是世界名贵的用材树种之一,其心材呈黄褐色或暗褐色,颜色优美,材质坚韧耐腐,结构致密,具有不翘不裂、易于加工、用途广泛等特点,是国际市场上最受欢迎的阔叶材之一[22]。众所周知,我国引种柚木已有180多年的历史,柚木对立地和气候条件要求较高,如何在有限的适宜范围内对其进行高效培育是柚木研究的重点。近年来,Perez[2]通过树干解析构建柚木胸径、树高和材积生长方程并与现有的生长方程进行对比,得出树干解析是一种有效的构建柚木生长数据库的方法,杜健等[23-24]开展柚木人工林立地质量评价;但国内对于柚木的生长过程研究未见报道,尤其是不同分级木的生长及气象因子的影响。因此,本研究以30余年生柚木人工林为对象,开展不同生长类型林分的平均木以及同一生长类型林分各分级木生长过程的分析及其与气象因子关系的研究,为柚木合理栽培及抚育经营提供理论依据。

1.   研究地概况
  • 所调查的柚木人工林位于广西壮族自治区凭祥市中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心大青山林区(21°57′~22°19′ N,106°39′~106°59′ E),属北热带季风气候,年均气温约22℃,年均降水量1 550 mm,干湿季明显,降雨主要集中在5—9月,约占全年总降水量的3/4。土壤类型以砖红壤和红壤为主。

2.   研究方法
  • 2013年底至2014年初,于上述柚木林分内设置14块20 m×30 m的样地,其中,青山实验场平而河边5块(QS1~QS5),茶陋站4块(QSCL1~QSCL4),白云实验场4块(BY1~BY4),夏石树木园1块(XS1)。除青山茶陋站造林密度为1 667株·hm-2外,其余调查林分的造林密度为2 500株·hm-2,经多次间伐后所有样地现存株数约为360株·hm-2,样地具体信息见表 1。测定每个样地内所有柚木的胸径、树高、枝下高及4个方向的冠幅,其生长统计数据见表 2。根据调查结果,于每个样地内各选出优势木或亚优势木、平均木和被压木各1~2株。由于青山茶陋站沟边柚木属于长期保存的采种母树林,每个样地仅选择1株平均木进行树干解析,共选择14株优势木或亚优势木、19株平均木、12株被压木作为解析木。所选优势木或亚优势木的胸径为24.3~32.9 cm,树高20.9~27.4 m;平均木(不包括青山茶陋站沟边解析木)胸径为21.0~26.8 cm,树高19.2~23.4 m;被压木胸径为11.7~24.6 cm,树高9.3~20.7 m;青山茶陋站沟边4株平均木的胸径为29.0~35.7 cm,树高20.7~27.4 m。

    Slope position
    Slope aspect
    Planting year
    Planting density /(stem·hm-2)
    BY1 232 30 下Downslope 东南Southeast 1981 2 500
    BY2 230 35 下Downslope 东南Southeast 1981 2 500
    BY3 350 40 下Downslope 西北Northwest 1981 2 500
    BY4 349 40 下Downslope 西北Northwest 1981 2 500
    QS1 199 0 下Downslope 西北Northwest 1982 2 500
    QS2 185 5 下Downslope 北North 1982 2 500
    QS3 153 16 下Downslope 北North 1982 2 500
    QS4 164 18 下Downslope 北North 1982 2 500
    QS5 146 25 下Downslope 北North 1982 2 500
    QSCL1 150 20 下Downslope 北North 1982 1 667
    QSCL2 150 20 下Downslope 北North 1982 1 667
    QSCL3 150 20 下Downslope 北North 1982 1 667
    QSCL4 150 20 下Downslope 北North 1982 1 667
    XS1 199 11 下Downslope 东East 1982 2 500

    Table 1.  Information of 14 Tectona grandis plots at Daqing Mountain, Guangxi

    Mean diameter at breast height /cm
    Mean tree height /m
    Mean height to crown base/m
    Mean crown diameter /m
    Mean height of dominant trees/m
    Growth types
    BY1 27.05 (0.81) 18.90 (0.50) 7.25 (0.56) 5.27 (0.30) 21.56 (0.31) 差Low
    BY2 25.91 (1.26) 16.93 (0.84) 6.61 (0.69) 5.46 (0.50) 20.70 (0.86) 差Low
    BY3 28.48 (1.01) 18.77 (0.53) 9.33 (0.66) 4.93 (0.21) 22.26 (0.27) 中等Medium
    BY4 27.57 (0.51) 18.42 (0.30) 8.24 (0.34) 5.13 (0.15) 22.69 (0.27) 中等Medium
    QS1 23.71 (0.91) 16.94 (0.58) 9.45 (0.53) 6.78 (0.24) 19.90 (0.25) 差Low
    QS2 26.07 (0.86) 19.40 (0.68) 10.79 (0.62) 7.80 (0.68) 22.98 (0.61) 中等Medium
    QS3 25.46 (0.90) 19.97 (0.62) 9.49 (0.40) 7.12 (0.56) 22.76 (0.30) 中等Medium
    QS4 25.17 (0.59) 22.23 (0.39) 12.75 (0.58) 5.19 (0.24) 25.00 (0.53) 中等Medium
    QS5 23.46 (0.78) 17.71 (0.53) 9.22 (0.46) 6.40 (0.34) 20.12 (0.38) 差Low
    QSCL1 39.60 (1.35) 22.52 (0.56) 6.51 (0.79) 10.10 (0.52) 25.70 (0.13) 优良High
    QSCL2 41.05 (2.06) 23.14 (0.80) 9.06 (0.71) 10.15 (0.55) 25.98 (0.48) 优良High
    QSCL3 34.04 (1.27) 24.88 (0.76) 14.00 (1.51) 8.62 (0.45) 28.26 (0.55) 优良High
    QSCL4 45.66 (1.52) 25.28 (1.04) 10.25 (0.93) 10.11 (0.50) 31.04 (0.59) 优良High
    XS1 22.13 (1.26) 15.78 (0.64) 8.13 (0.51) 5.01 (0.37) 20.15 (0.40) 差Low
    Note: Numbers in the parentheses are the standard errors of mean.

    Table 2.  Growth performance of Tectona grandis in 14 plots at Daqing Mountain, Guangxi

    解析木伐倒后按常规方法进行树干解析,分别于根茎处以上0.3、1.3、2 m高度处截取圆盘,此后按2 m区分段截取圆盘,圆盘厚度约5 cm,每个圆盘标明高度位置及北向。将圆盘带回实验室内晾干,然后对每个圆盘进行打磨和判读,用电子游标卡尺测量每个圆盘4个方向的带皮半径及每个年轮4个方向至髓心的距离(0.01 mm)。

  • 鉴于调查林分年龄基本一致,利用林分优势木平均高比较其生产力。根据样地调查数据于每个样地内选取5株优势木或亚优势木,计算其树高平均值,按照优势木平均高通过系统聚类分析将柚木林分划分为优良(H>25 m)、中等(22 m<H≤25 m)、差(H≤22 m) 3种生长类型(表 2)。基于树干解析数据,应用统计之林(Forstat 2.0)软件计算解析木各年龄胸径、树高和材积的连年、平均生长量等指标[25],进而分别按照生长类型、分级木进行对比分析。比较不同类型林分间柚木生长过程差异时,仅对抽取的平均木进行分析。由于青山茶陋站沟边柚木林分仅选择平均木开展树干解析,且林分生长状况明显优于其他林分,因此,未将其纳入分级木生长过程比较分析。


3.   结果与分析
  • 胸径平均生长量在造林后几年内迅速增加,优良林分柚木胸径平均生长量于12 a左右时达到最大,超过1.2 cm·a-1;此后开始缓慢下降,约20 a内胸径平均生长量仍超过1 cm·a-1。中等和差林分的胸径平均生长量最大值出现在造林后6 a左右,此后亦开始逐年下降,下降速度明显快于优良林分,其胸径平均生长量最终维持在约0.8 cm·a-1 (图 1A)。

    Figure 1.  Growth process of diameter at breast height for Tectona grandis with three growth types

    不同年份间胸径连年生长量均存在较大差异,特别是优良林分,其连年生长量变化最剧烈。从造林后第5年开始,优良林分的胸径连年生长量一直明显比中等和差林分的高,约11 a时差异达最大值(达1 cm·a-1)。此后随着连年生长量的降低差异逐渐减小;造林后第20年,各生长类型林分的柚木胸径连年生长量基本趋于一致,约0.6 cm·a-1 (图 1B)。

    各分级木间比较,造林后优势木的胸径平均和连年生长量一直高于平均木和被压木,但3种分级木的最大胸径平均生长量均出现在造林后第5~6年,连年生长量亦均在造林后3~5 a达到最大。此后,被压木的平均和连年生长量急剧下降,而优势木和平均木下降缓慢,造林后第10年左右,被压木与平均木、优势木的胸径平均和连年生长量差异随树龄增加逐渐增大,而平均木和优势木间平均生长量的差异一直约为0.2 cm·a-1,仅最后几年有减小趋势(图 2A)。30余年内,优势木胸径连年生长量均略高于平均木,27 a后,优势木和平均木胸径连年生长量均约为0.8 cm·a-1(图 2B)。

    Figure 2.  Growth process of diameter at breast height for dominant, mean and suppressed Tectona grandis trees

  • 从柚木树高生长过程(图 3AB)可知:树高平均生长量和连年生长量总体呈下降趋势,且3种生长类型林分间树高生长差异较小。造林前7 a是柚木高生长的高峰期,各类型林分的树高连年生长量均在1 m·a-1以上,其中,优良林分的最高可达1.8 m·a-1,而且此后第8~17年内,其树高连年生长量仍维持在0.8 m·a-1左右;对于中等和差林分,造林5 a后其树高连年生长量开始迅速下降,此阶段亦是优良林分与中等、差林分树高平均生长量表现出差异时期。差林分树高最低连年生长量出现于造林18 a后,约为0.1 m·a-1,而中等和优良林分出现于造林后23~24 a时,此后均又随年龄增加逐渐回升,于28 a时达到一个生长小高峰。约30年生时,优良、中等和差林分的柚木树高平均生长量分别约为0.8、0.7和0.6 m·a-1

    Figure 3.  Height growth process of Tectona grandis with three growth types

    各分级木树高连年和平均生长量亦随树龄增加均呈下降趋势,前7 a优势木和平均木连年生长量超过1 m·a-1,被压木的树高平均和连年生长量均于造林后4 a时开始明显低于平均木和优势木,而平均木和优势木的树高连年和平均生长量差异极小(图 4AB)。柚木优势木和平均木树高连年生长量最低值亦出现于造林后24 a,而被压木则在造林后20 a。各分级木均于造林后28 a时出现1次树高生长高峰。

    Figure 4.  Height growth process of dominant, mean and overtopped Tectona grandis trees

  • 柚木材积平均生长量和连年生长量均随树龄的增加总体呈上升趋势,优良林分材积平均生长量和连年生长量分别于造林后约10 a和7 a时即明显大于中等和差林分,且随树龄的增加差异均逐渐增大(图 5)。造林12 a后,优良林分材积连年生长量均大于0.02 m3·a-1,最高可超过0.04 m3·a-1,而中等和差林分的材积连年生长量一直维持在0.010~0.015 m3·a-1,仅30 a后才超过0.02 m3·a-1。此外,优良林分材积连年生长量后期变化幅度明显高于中等和差林分,而中等林分材积平均和连年生长量与差林分差异很小,均仅稍高于差林分。

    Figure 5.  Individual volume growth process of Tectona grandis with three growth types

    通过对3种生长类型林分柚木连年生长量与平均生长量分析可知:当前材积连年生长量和平均生长量曲线均未出现交叉(图 6),且二者差异随树龄的增加呈增大趋势,说明当前3种类型林分均远未达数量成熟。

    Figure 6.  Annual and mean individual volume increment of Tectona grandis with three growth types

    3种分级木材积平均和连年生长量亦随树龄增加而逐渐增大(图 7),但被压木在造林10 a后,材积连年和平均生长量随树龄增大增量甚微,其材积连年生长量一直维持在0.0050.010 m3·a-1,平均生长量介于0.004~0.006 m3·a-1,远低于造林30 a后优势木和平均木的平均生长量(0.017、0.011 m3·a-1)和连年生长量(0.032、0.026 m3·a-1),而且造林后10 a亦是被压木与平均木材积生长出现分化的时间,而优势木与平均木、被压木生长量在造林后第4年即表现出差异。此外,不同分级木间材积生长差异亦随树龄的增大逐渐增大。

    Figure 7.  Individual volume growth process of dominant, mean and overtopped Tectona grandis trees

    各分级木材积连年生长量与平均生长量在30余年时仍未出现交叉(图 8),即当前林龄的3种分级木均未达数量成熟。但从变化趋势看,被压木达到数量成熟龄的时间可能要早于平均木和优势木。

    Figure 8.  Annual and mean individual volume increments of dominant, mean and overtopped Tectona grandis trees

  • 由灰色关联度分析结果(表 3)可知:影响柚木优良林分胸径连年生长量最主要的气象因子为极端低温,其次为年均降水量;而影响中等和差林分的最主要气象因子为年均降水量。气象因子影响柚木树高和材积生长的强弱顺序在林分生长类型间差异不明显,影响各类型林分树高生长的最主要气象因子均为年均降水量,其次为极端低温;影响材积生长的气象因子按重要性排序为:年均气温>极端高温>极端低温>年均降水量。

    Growth types
    Annual increment
    气象因子Meteorological factors
    Extreme high-temperature
    Extreme low-temperature
    Mean annual temperture
    Mean annual preciptation
    优良High 胸径DBH 0.619 6 0.681 5 0.628 2 0.655 0
    树高Height 0.655 3 0.673 7 0.672 4 0.695 2
    材积Volume 0.692 2 0.620 9 0.732 8 0.605 3
    中等Medium 胸径DBH 0.728 2 0.740 0 0.753 2 0.794 0
    树高Height 0.651 5 0.685 6 0.644 1 0.718 9
    材积Volume 0.731 1 0.659 9 0.743 1 0.608 6
    差Low 胸径DBH 0.614 3 0.637 4 0.637 1 0.708 1
    树高Height 0.607 2 0.616 8 0.584 6 0.707 1
    材积Volume 0.721 0 0.662 4 0.757 1 0.624 2
    Notes: Data of meteorological factors were obtained from local meteorological bureau. The same below.

    Table 3.  The gray correlation between meteorological factors and tree growth of Tectona grandis under different growth types

    影响优势木、平均木和被压木胸径、树高生长的最主要气象因子均为年均降水量,而影响柚木材积连年生长量的气象因子重要性排序为:年均气温>极端高温>极端低温>年均降水量(表 4)。

    Tree level
    Annual increment
    气象因子Meteorological factors
    Extreme high-temperature
    Extreme low-temperature
    Mean annual temperture
    Mean annual preciptation
    优势木Dominant 胸径DBH 0.726 7 0.721 3 0.716 2 0.790 8
    树高Height 0.613 5 0.621 5 0.586 0 0.709 8
    材积Volume 0.733 8 0.654 9 0.744 0 0.610 8
    平均木Mean 胸径DBH 0.658 6 0.701 3 0.699 4 0.742 1
    树高Height 0.637 7 0.649 8 0.602 5 0.725 6
    材积Volume 0.724 1 0.656 9 0.741 4 0.607 9
    被压木Overtopped 胸径DBH 0.659 6 0.687 1 0.665 4 0.742 2
    树高Height 0.627 8 0.642 5 0.605 5 0.718 1
    材积Volume 0.738 2 0.659 5 0.746 8 0.617 1

    Table 4.  The gray correlation between meteorological factors and tree growth under three levels of Tectona grandis

4.   讨论
  • 考虑到优良林分仅选取平均木进行树干解析,各类型(优良、中等、差)林分间的比较分析仅针对平均木,且分级木(优势木、平均木、被压木)间的差异分析仅针对中等和差立地,这些是本研究的局限所在。尽管如此,仍然得到一些较为有益的结果。总体来看,不同类型林分间以及分级木间柚木胸径、树高、材积生长量差异较大,但其生长过程均无明显差异。然而,无论优良林分的平均木,还是中等和差林分的优势木,其平均和连年生长量大、高峰期长、生长衰减慢,与以往对于杉木[7, 14]、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia Linn.)[8]等人工林的研究结果相似。究其原因,主要与林分内单株对养分、水分和生长空间等的竞争有关。优良林分相对于中等和差林分具有相对充足的养分、水分供给以支撑其持续生长;对于优势木而言,由于其位于林分上层,根系亦更发达,使其对生长空间及养分和水分的竞争更有优势。此亦可从本研究中生长过程与气象因子的相关性得到验证:在中等和差林分,年平均降水量是柚木胸径生长的主要影响因子;而在优良林分,由于水肥条件相对较好,极端低温是胸径生长的主要影响因子。此外,在本研究中,优良林分的造林密度相对较低,亦是其胸径前期快速生长持续时间较长的原因所在。

    各生长类型林分间及各分级木间树高平均和连年生长量差异小于其胸径和材积生长量,但不同类型林分间树高生长差异大于分级木间差异。从生长后期(24 a后)可以看出:最后一次间伐(2009-2011年)后树高连年生长量出现快速上升,而胸径和材积连年生长量变化则存在滞后性,说明柚木高生长对间伐引起的林分环境因素变化的响应更敏感,刘彬彬等[27]对64年生小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia (Blume) Oersted)的研究亦发现,相对于胸径和材积生长,其高生长对环境因子变化的响应更加灵敏。


    由中等和差林分柚木生长过程可以看出,造林6~8 a后,其胸径和树高生长量即出现明显下降,材积增速变缓,说明此时林分竞争效应开始显现,需要进行第1次间伐,通过伐除被压木,延长其快速生长期。对于优良林分,造林约16 a后,其胸径生长才出现下降趋势,材积连年生长量增速放缓,需要进行首次间伐。优良林分较中等和差林分生长高峰期出现时间晚、持续时间长的原因除与地力有关外,造林密度与林分保存率亦是其潜在原因。

5.   结论
  • 柚木胸径、树高和材积生长过程,无论生长类型(优良、中等、差)间的差异,还是分级木(优势木、平均木、被压木)间的差异,主要在于生长量大小以及快速生长期长短,其整体变化趋势基本一致。柚木宜选择水热条件较好的立地造林,优良林分柚木首次间伐时间宜在造林16 a后。柚木30余年生时尚未达数量成熟龄,不宜主伐,需适时加强抚育经营以促进其生长,从而实现优质大径材的高效培育。

Reference (27)



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