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Volume 35 Issue 5
Oct.  2022
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Effects of Different Host Plants on the Growth, Reproduction and Physiological Enzyme Activity of Dendrolimus houi Lajonquiere (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)

  • Corresponding author: LIANG Guang-hong, fjlhg@126.com
  • Received Date: 2021-11-10
    Accepted Date: 2022-02-13
  • Objective To provide insights into carrying out ecological regulation of new mixed forest, the physiological adaptation mechanism of Dendrolimus houi Lajonquiere to different host plants was analyzed based on the effects of different host plants on the growth, reproduction, detoxification enzyme and digestive enzyme activities of D. houi. Methods The developmental duration of the larvae and pupae as well as the fecundity of adult of D. houi were measured through indoor rearing in hots plants of Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk, Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Cupressus funebris Endl., Pinus yunnanensis Franch. and Pinus massoniana Lamb. The activities of detoxification enzymes (i. e. glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), cytochrome P450 (CYP450), and carboxylesterase (CarE)) and digestive enzymes (i. e. protease, amylase (AMS), and lipase (LPS)) in the 5th instar larvae of D. houi feeding on different host plants were also assayed. Results D. houi larvae feeding on C. fortunei, C. funebris, P. orientalis and P. yunnanensis had a complete life cycle, while the larvae feeding on P. massoniana only survived to the 5th instar and did not have a complete life cycle. At the same time, the larvae and pupae of D. houi feeding on C. fortunei and C. funebris had shorter developmental duration, heavier female pupae and more fecundity of adult compared with other host plants. The activities of GSTs and CYP450 in the 5th instar larvae of D. houi feeding on C. fortunei and C. funebris were significantly higher than those feeding on P. yunnanensis, P. orientalis and P. massoniana (P<0.05). Among the three digestive enzymes, the activities of protease in larvae of D. houi feeding on C. fortunei and C. funebris were relatively high. Conclusion Dendrolimus houi has better adaptability to Cryptomeria fortunei and Cupressus funebris than the other host plants, and detoxification enzymes and proteases within D. houi may be the key factors which affect their adaptability to Cryptomeria fortunei and Cupressus funebris.
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Effects of Different Host Plants on the Growth, Reproduction and Physiological Enzyme Activity of Dendrolimus houi Lajonquiere (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)

    Corresponding author: LIANG Guang-hong, fjlhg@126.com
  • 1. Forestry College, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China
  • 2. Forestry Bureau of Luoyuan County, Fuzhou 350600, Fujian, China
  • 3. Fuzhou Station of Forestry Pest and Disease Control and Quarantine, Fuzhou 350003, Fujian, China
  • 4. Fujian Xiapu National Forest Farm, Xiapu 355199, Fujian, China

Abstract:  Objective To provide insights into carrying out ecological regulation of new mixed forest, the physiological adaptation mechanism of Dendrolimus houi Lajonquiere to different host plants was analyzed based on the effects of different host plants on the growth, reproduction, detoxification enzyme and digestive enzyme activities of D. houi. Methods The developmental duration of the larvae and pupae as well as the fecundity of adult of D. houi were measured through indoor rearing in hots plants of Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk, Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Cupressus funebris Endl., Pinus yunnanensis Franch. and Pinus massoniana Lamb. The activities of detoxification enzymes (i. e. glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), cytochrome P450 (CYP450), and carboxylesterase (CarE)) and digestive enzymes (i. e. protease, amylase (AMS), and lipase (LPS)) in the 5th instar larvae of D. houi feeding on different host plants were also assayed. Results D. houi larvae feeding on C. fortunei, C. funebris, P. orientalis and P. yunnanensis had a complete life cycle, while the larvae feeding on P. massoniana only survived to the 5th instar and did not have a complete life cycle. At the same time, the larvae and pupae of D. houi feeding on C. fortunei and C. funebris had shorter developmental duration, heavier female pupae and more fecundity of adult compared with other host plants. The activities of GSTs and CYP450 in the 5th instar larvae of D. houi feeding on C. fortunei and C. funebris were significantly higher than those feeding on P. yunnanensis, P. orientalis and P. massoniana (P<0.05). Among the three digestive enzymes, the activities of protease in larvae of D. houi feeding on C. fortunei and C. funebris were relatively high. Conclusion Dendrolimus houi has better adaptability to Cryptomeria fortunei and Cupressus funebris than the other host plants, and detoxification enzymes and proteases within D. houi may be the key factors which affect their adaptability to Cryptomeria fortunei and Cupressus funebris.

  • 植食性昆虫在漫长的演化中与寄主植物形成了复杂的协同进化关系。寄主植物为植食性昆虫提供了食料来源,但植食性昆虫的生长发育及繁殖也受到寄主植物的影响[1-2]。如牧草盲蝽(Lygus pratensis Linnaeus)取食花椰菜(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Linnaeus)和田旋花(Convolvulus arvensis L.)后,其生长发育和繁殖力分别出现了上升和下降趋势[3]。苹小卷叶蛾(Adoxophyes orana beijingensis Zhou et Fu)取食适宜寄主植物桃(Amygdalus persica L.)和苹果(Malus pumila Mill.)后,其发育历期缩短,产卵量升高[4],表明寄主植物的种类会影响植食性昆虫的生物学特性。当然,寄主植物不会坐以待毙,也会产生有毒的植物次生代谢物来防御植食性昆虫的取食[5]。此时植食性昆虫会激活以谷胱甘肽S转移酶(GSTs)、羧酸酯酶(CarE) 和细胞色素 P450酶(CYP450)为主的解毒酶系统,使其迅速反应达到代谢解毒的作用[6-7]。如草地贪夜蛾(Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith)幼虫取食烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)叶片后,体内GSTs、CarE和CYP450活性均高于取食玉米(Zea mays L.)叶片的草地贪夜蛾幼虫,表明解毒酶在应对来自不同寄主植物的外源毒物和保护机体免受损伤方面发挥了重要作用[8]。另一方面,当昆虫克服植物的防御反应后,还需将寄主植物中的营养物质消化吸收,以维持正常的生长发育[9]。其中蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶等消化酶可以将植物中的营养物质分解为昆虫能够吸收的小分子蛋白,这些酶类常被用以评价寄主植物中各类营养物质被昆虫利用的状况以及昆虫与寄主植物之间的相互适应性[10-11]

    云南松毛虫(Dendrolimus houi Lajonquiere)俗称柳杉毛虫或大柏毛虫,属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)枯叶蛾科(Lasiocampidae)。以幼虫取食针叶、嫩枝,发生严重时将导致林分大面积枯死[12-13]。云南松毛虫寄主植物种类繁多,食物来源广泛,除取食柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk)外,还取食云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Franch.)、思茅松(P. kesiya var. langbianensis)、黑松(P. thunbergii Parl.)、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco)、柏木(Cupressus funebris Endl.)、马尾松(P. massoniana Lamb.)等多种寄主。这些植物的营养物质与次生物质各不相同,云南松毛虫取食后却能完成生活史并造成生物灾害[14-15],推测其对不同寄主植物均具有一定的适应能力。那么,不同寄主植物对云南松毛虫的生长发育、繁殖及生理代谢有什么影响呢?


    • 选用柳杉、侧柏、柏木、马尾松和云南松5种寄主植物,均种植于福建农林大学苗圃基地(119°14′2.92″ E,26°04′47.80″ N),未使用任何杀虫剂、杀菌剂及化肥,定期浇水以维持植株健康生长。

    • 云南松毛虫茧采自福建省永泰县岭路乡云山村(118°58′52.25″ E,25°45′55.43″ N,海拔820 m)。待成虫自然羽化后,雌雄配对转移至网纱笼(规格75 cm × 75 cm × 75 cm)中进行交配和产卵,把所产卵粒置于人工气候箱(上海一恒,MGC-300H)。饲养条件为:温度25±1 ℃,光周期L∶D=15 h∶9 h,相对湿度70%±5%。将同一天孵化的幼虫作为供试虫源。

    • 云南松毛虫初孵幼虫有群集性[16]。故将云南松毛虫初孵幼虫按寄主植物种类(柳杉、柏木、侧柏、云南松和马尾松)分别以30 头·盒−1饲养在方形餐盒(规格17.2 cm × 11.6 cm × 5.2 cm)中,每种寄主重复10盒。每天定时观察蜕皮情况,将蜕皮进入2龄的幼虫放入新的餐盒内,每盒1头。每天更换一次新鲜寄主植物枝条并清理虫粪保持饲养环境清洁,定时称量和记录各龄幼虫蜕皮当天的体质量,标记幼虫虫龄,记录各龄幼虫蜕皮日期和幼虫结茧日期。化蛹后称量第3 d的蛹质量(g),记录蛹期(d)。待成虫羽化后,将同一天羽化的成虫进行雌雄配对,置于网纱笼中,每笼接入1对雌雄虫。定时观察和记录雌虫产卵情况,待成虫自然死亡后记录雌、雄成虫寿命(d)。

    • 分别取同一天进入5龄的各寄主植物饲养的云南松毛虫幼虫用于解毒酶和消化酶活性的测定。解毒酶和消化酶活性测定根据苏州科铭生物技术有限公司的试剂盒说明书操作进行。测定原理如下:

      GSTs测定参照Habig等[17]的方法。GSTs催化GSH与CDNB结合,其结合产物的光吸收峰波长为340 nm;通过测定340 nm波长处吸光度上升速率,即可计算GSTs活性。

      CarE测定参照Asperen[18]的方法。CarE能催化乙酸-1-萘酯生成萘酯,固篮显色。在450 nm光吸收增加速率,计算CarE活性。

      CYP450测定参照Brogdon等[19]和Tiwari等[20]的方法。CYP450经连二亚硫酸钠还原后,在424 nm 处有最大吸收峰,通过测定424 nm和490 nm处吸光值的差异,即可计算出CYP450的含量。

      Protease测定参照白燕等[21]的方法。水解酪蛋白生成酪氨酸,酪氨酸还原磷钼酸生成钨蓝,钨蓝在680 nm有特征吸收峰。通过测定其吸光度增加,来计算ACP活性。

      AMS测定参照白燕等[21]的方法。AMS催化淀粉水解生成还原糖,还原糖还原3,5-二硝基水杨酸生成棕红色物质,在540 nm有吸收峰。通过测定540 nm吸光度增加速率,计算淀粉酶活性。



    • 利用SPSS 22.0对数据进行方差齐性检验,以单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)和Tukey 检验法在0.05水平上检验各处理组间的差异显著性。绘图使用Excel 2007软件。

    2.   结果与分析
    • 除取食马尾松的幼虫仅存活至5龄外,取食其他几种寄主植物的幼虫均能够正常生长发育并化蛹,且幼虫发育历期无显著差异(P>0.05)(表1)。其中,取食柳杉的幼虫发育历期(154.83±33.87 d)最短,取食侧柏的发育历期(181.11±38.54 d)最长。而不同寄主植物对云南松毛虫的蛹历期存在显著差异(P<0.05)(表1),依次为侧柏>云南松>柳杉>柏木(F=25.213,P<0.05)。

      Developmental duration
      寄主植物 Host plants
      C. fortunei
      C. funebris
      P. orientalis
      P. yunnanensis
      P. massoniana
      1龄 1st instar 9.89±2.98 a 11.79±3.01 a 14±4.07 a 12.32±3.80 a 10.68±3.22 a
      2龄 2nd instar 13.16±3.96 a 14.11±4.07 a 15.16±3.40 a 14.16±3.98 a 15.53±3.85 a
      3龄 3rd instar 21±6.14 a 20.47±5.74 a 23.47±7.12 a 21.95±6.61 a 26.26±8.07 a
      4龄 4th instar 20.89±6.09 a 21.89±5.10 a 23.37±5.63 a 22.21±5.13 a 17.26±4.13 a
      5龄 5th instar 23.16±6.47 a 23.63±6.74 a 27.37±7.40 a 25.47±6.92 a 20.58±4.68 a
      6龄 6th instar 27.63±5.68 a 28.21±5.42 a 32.84±6.80 a 30.74±5.70 a /
      7龄 7th instar 39.10±3.74 a 42.68±5.56 a 44.89±5.31 a 43±5.50 a /
      幼虫期 Larval stage 154.83±33.87 a 162.79±35.06 a 181.11±38.54 a 164.89±35.64 a /
      蛹期 Pupal stage 52.9±4.07 b 45.9±3.96 b 66.4±4.58 a 58.5±2.67 ab /
      Note: The data in the table are mean±SE and different lowercase letters following the data in each row show significant difference (P<0.05), the same below.

      Table 1.  Effects of different host plants on growth and development of Dendrolimus houi


      Figure 1.  Body weight of larvae feeding on different host plants during different instar of Dendrolimus houi

      Figure 2.  Pupal weight on different host plants of Dendrolimus houi

    • 取食不同寄主植物的云南松毛虫成虫寿命存在显著差异(P<0.05),雌虫寿命依次是柳杉>柏木>云南松>侧柏(F=4.394,P<0.05)。雄虫寿命依次是柏木>柳杉>云南松>侧柏(F=3.157,P<0.05)。无论取食哪种寄主植物,雌虫的寿命都长于雄虫。同时,平均单雌产卵量在不同寄主植物之间的差异显著(P<0.05)。幼虫取食柳杉时,成虫的产卵量最多(294.74±28.73 粒·雌−1)。而取食侧柏时,成虫产卵量最少(193.13±16.54 粒·雌−1)(表2)。

      Adult longevity and female fecundity
      寄主植物 Host plants
      C. fortunei
      C. funebris
      P. orientalis
      P. yunnanensis
      雌虫寿命/d Femal longevity 9.88±1.48 a 9.65±1.32 a 6.87±1.37 b 7.91±1.37 ab
      雄虫寿命/d Male longevity 6.64±1.51 ab 7.40±1.26 a 5.11±0.82 b 5.78±1.25 ab
      产卵量/(粒·雌−1) Fecundity 294.74±28.73 a 265.82±14.50 ab 193.13±16.54 c 237.60±23.28 b

      Table 2.  Adult longevity and fecundity of Dendrolimus houi reared on different host plants

    • 取食不同寄主植物的云南松毛虫5龄幼虫体内GSTs(F=193.484,P<0.05)和CYP450(F=129.145,P<0.05)活性均存在显著差异。取食柳杉的幼虫体内GSTs(92.22±0.78 nmol·min−1·mg−1)活性最高;取食柏木的幼虫体内CYP450(68.53±2.26 nmol·g−1)活性最高;取食马尾松的幼虫体内GSTs(46.99±0.64 nmol·min−1·mg−1)和CYP450(26.77±1.42 nmol·g−1)活性均最低;取食云南松的幼虫体内GSTs(87.86±4.07 nmol·min−1·mg−1)和CYP450(38.07±2.33 nmol·g−1)活性均处于较高的水平;取食不同寄主植物的云南松毛虫5龄幼虫体内CarE活性无显著差异(F=2.651,P>0.05)(表3)。

      Detoxification enzymes
      寄主植物 Host plants
      C. fortunei
      C. funebris
      P. orientalis
      P. yunnanensis
      P. massoniana
      谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶/(nmol·min−1·mg−1) GSTs92.22±0.78 a90.76±0.59 a62.30±3.75 b87.86±4.07 a46.99±0.64 c
      羧酸酯酶(U·mg−1) CarE0.72±0.06 a0.84±0.02 a0.79±0.12 a0.82±0.03 a0.71±0.05 a
      细胞色素P450酶/(nmol·g−1) CYP45061.10±3.89 b68.53±2.26 a43.21±2.47 c38.07±2.33 c26.77±1.42 d

      Table 3.  Comparison of detoxification enzymes activities of Dendrolimus houi feeding on different host plants

    • 取食不同寄主植物的云南松毛虫5龄幼虫体内AMS活性顺序依次是:侧柏>柏木>柳杉>云南松>马尾松(F=64.163,P<0.05);LPS活性顺序依次是:侧柏>柏木>柳杉>云南松>马尾松(F=111.159,P<0.05)。其中,取食侧柏、柏木与柳杉的云南松毛虫AMS和LPS活性显著高于取食云南松和马尾松的云南松毛虫(P<0.05);蛋白酶活性顺序依次是:柳杉>柏木>云南松>侧柏>马尾松(F=29.615,P<0.05)。其中,取食柳杉的幼虫体内蛋白酶活性最高(3.26±0.114 nmol·min−1·mg−1),取食柏木的云南松毛虫蛋白酶活性也处于较高水平(表4)。

      Digestive enzyme
      寄主植物 Host plants
      C. fortunei
      C. funebris
      P. orientalis
      P. yunnanensis
      P. massoniana
      淀粉酶 (mg·min−1·mg−1) AMS 0.25±0.01 b 0.31±0.009 a 0.33±0.033 a 0.19±0.009 c 0.13±0.011 d
      脂肪酶(μmol·min−1·mg−1) LPS 1.42±0.020 b 1.57±0.070 a 1.69±0.030 a 1.05±0.070 c 1.04±0.030 c
      蛋白酶(nmol·min−1·mg−1) Protease 3.26±0.114 a 2.49±0.164 b 2.44±0.233 b 2.23±0.019 b 2.17±0.217 b

      Table 4.  Comparison of digestive enzyme activities of Dendrolimus houi feeding on different host plants

    3.   讨论
    • 昆虫取食不同寄主植物会显著影响其生长发育和繁殖[23]。比如甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua Hiibner)在取食不同寄主植物后,其幼虫的发育速率、发育历期、蛹期以及蛹质量均存在显著差异[24]。一般蛹越重,适应性越强[25-27],且较短的发育历期可衡量植食性昆虫与寄主植物适合度[28]。本研究发现,取食柳杉、柏木、侧柏和云南松的幼虫均具完整的生活史,验证了云南松毛虫是一种广食性食叶害虫,并具有较强的多寄主适应能力。野外调查也发现,该虫除在福建、浙江等华东分布区严重危害柳杉外,在云贵川等西南分布区内还严重威胁柏木、云南松和侧柏,这与本研究结果一致,表明云南松毛虫对不同寄主植物具有适应性[29-32]。研究发现,取食柳杉、柏木的云南松毛虫幼虫和蛹的发育历期短、雌蛹较重且成虫产卵量高,推测柳杉和柏木是更适于幼虫生长发育的寄主植物。但取食马尾松的幼虫只存活至5龄,不具有完整的生活史,且出现个体发育迟缓现象,可能与马尾松的水分、营养物质以及各种次生代谢物密切相关[33-34]。昆虫能否正常地生存和繁衍下去,取决于它对食物等诸多生态因子的适应力,通过人为方式调整寄主植物的配置方式,在一定程度上打破其对特定寄主的依赖性,扰乱消化道内的微生物菌群,可对少数害虫实现生态治理[35-36]。因而未来在人工混交林中可考虑配置马尾松或其它非嗜食寄主,通过干扰云南松毛虫的食性,改变其生物学进程和种群发生的固有模式,这是一个值得思考的方向。此外,前人测定了云南松毛虫对寄主思茅松(P. kesiya var.langbianensis (A.Chev.) Gaussen)、华山松(Pinus armandii Franch.)、油松(Pinus tabuliformis Carriere)和白皮松(Pinus bungeana Zucc. ex Endl.)的成虫产卵选择性和幼虫取食选择性,发现云南松毛虫对思茅松趋性最强,思茅松是云南松毛虫的嗜食寄主[37]。另有研究表明,云南松毛虫在云南芒市(海拔905~1 321 m)取食思茅松,1年发生2代;但其在芒市毗邻的腾冲(海拔950~1 640 m)取食云南松后,1年仅发生1代[38-39],表明海拔与气温相近的生境中,不同的寄主植物对云南松毛虫发生代数存在明显差异,与本研究结果相似。

      大量研究表明,GSTs、CYP450和CarE等解毒酶对昆虫分解外源毒物和维持正常生理代谢具有重要作用[40-41]。本研究发现,取食最适寄主柳杉和柏木的云南松毛虫幼虫体内GSTs与CYP450活性显著高于其他几种寄主植物。这与松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)取食最适寄主马尾松(P. massoniana Lamb.)[42]、水椰八角铁甲(Octodonta nipae Maulik)取食最适寄主加拿利海枣(Phoenix canariensis Chabaud)和棕榈(Trachycarpus fortunei(Hook.) H. Wendl.)[43]时体内解毒酶活性显著高于取食其它寄主植物的结论一致,可能与不同寄主植物组织中水分、营养物质以及各种次生代谢物质种类和含量不同有关。进一步发现不同处理之间的CarE活性没有显著差异(P>0.05),推测5种寄主植物中所含的诱导CarE活性的化合物种类或含量可能相近[44]

      消化酶在维持昆虫正常的生理生化代谢方面也具有重要作用,常被用作衡量植食性昆虫对不同寄主植物适合度的重要指标[45]。比如舞毒蛾幼虫(Lymantria dispar Linnaeus)取食不同寄主植物后中肠蛋白酶的活性出现明显差异[46];金银花尺蠖幼虫(Heterolocha jinyinhuaphaga Chu)在取食营养成分含量高的寄主植物时,通过提高自身消化酶活性分解大量的营养物质,以保证机体的快速生长[47]。表明昆虫在取食不同寄主植物时,会根据自身生长发育的需求调节体内消化酶的活性[48]。本研究发现,取食不同寄主植物的云南松毛虫幼虫体内的消化酶也存在显著差异。其中取食适宜寄主植物柳杉的幼虫体内蛋白酶活性最高,取食适宜寄主植物柏木的幼虫体内蛋白酶活性也处于较高水平,可能与幼虫将蛋白质水解为氨基酸,为机体生长和繁殖提供氮源有关[49-50],进一步表明蛋白酶可能影响了云南松毛虫对寄主植物的适应性。

    4.   结论
    • 综上所述,云南松毛虫对柳杉和柏木有较好的适应性,虫体内的解毒酶和蛋白酶可能是其适应柳杉和柏木的主要原因。这些研究结果可为探析寄主植物种类与害虫生物学特性、生理响应差异的相互关系奠定基础;同时发现云南松毛虫取食马尾松后不具有完整的生活史,且个体发育迟缓,未来可考虑通过配置马尾松等形成多寄主新型混交林,干扰云南松毛虫的食性及个体发育,从而实现云南松毛虫的生态治理,还将有待继续研究。

Reference (50)



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