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  • 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖


Comparision Study on Biomass and Energy of Five Eucalypt Clones

  • The biomass and energy of 7.5-year-old trees of Eucalyptus urophylla×E. tereticornis and other four eucalypt clones, growing in Shiling Forest Farm of Lianjiang City in Guangdong Province were studied. The results showed that the biomass of various above and below ground components of trees were significantly different with stem-wood having the highest biomass and leaves the lowest; biomasses of branches, roots and bark were intermediate between that of stem-wood and leaves. The order of various components by decreasing biomass for the clones of E.camaldulensis, E.urophylla×E.tereticornis and E. grandis×E. urophylla was stem-wood>roots>branches>bark>leaves. For the clone E. Leizhou No.1 the order was stem-wood>roots>bark>branches>leaves and for the clone of E. urophylla the order was stem-wood>branches>roots>bark>leaves. The clones by decreasing order of total retained biomass of plantation were: E.urophylla×E. tereticornis (161.60 t·hm-2)>E. grandis×E. urophylla (127.96 t·hm-2)>E. urophylla (112.60 t·hm-2)>E. camaldulensis (83.81 t·hm-2)>E. Leizhou No.1 (71.36 t·hm-2). Ash contents of leaves of different clones ranged from 4.08% to 6.88%, and were the highest of all components, whilst the ash contents of stem-wood of different clones ranged from 0.17% to 0.43% and were the lowest of all components. Gross caloric values (GCV) and ash free caloric values (AFCV) of different components ranged from 17.94 to 21.06 kJ·g-1 and 18.57 to 22.12 kJ·g-1 respectively. Of all the components, leaves had the highest GVCs and AFCVs. The average GVC and AFCV of the five clones ranged from 19.02 to 19.32 kJ·g-1 and 19.49 to 19.85 kJ·g-1 respectively. The order of five clones by decreasing GCV was E. Leizhou No.1>E. urophylla>E. urophylla×E. tereticornis>E. camaldulensis>E. grandis×E. urophylla and by decreasing AFCV the order was E. leizhou No.1>E. camaldulensis>E. urophylla>E. urophylla×E. tereticornis>E. grandis×E. urophylla. The average energy values of five clone plantations ranged from 1 360.73 to 3 067.47 GJ·hm-2 with the decreasing order: E. urophylla×E. tereticornis>E. grandis×E. urophylla>E. urophylla>E. camaldulensis>E. Leizhou No.1. According to biomass and energy, E. urophylla×E. tereticornis was the best clone for bioenergy, followed by both the E.grandis×E. urophylla and E.urophylla and the poorest were E. camaldulensis and E.Leizhou No.1.
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Comparision Study on Biomass and Energy of Five Eucalypt Clones

  • 1. China Eucalypt Research Centre, Zhanjiang 524022,Guangdong,China
  • 2. Leizhou Forestry Bureau of Chinese General Development Corporation of State-owned Forest Farm,Suixi 524248,Guangdong,China)

Abstract: The biomass and energy of 7.5-year-old trees of Eucalyptus urophylla×E. tereticornis and other four eucalypt clones, growing in Shiling Forest Farm of Lianjiang City in Guangdong Province were studied. The results showed that the biomass of various above and below ground components of trees were significantly different with stem-wood having the highest biomass and leaves the lowest; biomasses of branches, roots and bark were intermediate between that of stem-wood and leaves. The order of various components by decreasing biomass for the clones of E.camaldulensis, E.urophylla×E.tereticornis and E. grandis×E. urophylla was stem-wood>roots>branches>bark>leaves. For the clone E. Leizhou No.1 the order was stem-wood>roots>bark>branches>leaves and for the clone of E. urophylla the order was stem-wood>branches>roots>bark>leaves. The clones by decreasing order of total retained biomass of plantation were: E.urophylla×E. tereticornis (161.60 t·hm-2)>E. grandis×E. urophylla (127.96 t·hm-2)>E. urophylla (112.60 t·hm-2)>E. camaldulensis (83.81 t·hm-2)>E. Leizhou No.1 (71.36 t·hm-2). Ash contents of leaves of different clones ranged from 4.08% to 6.88%, and were the highest of all components, whilst the ash contents of stem-wood of different clones ranged from 0.17% to 0.43% and were the lowest of all components. Gross caloric values (GCV) and ash free caloric values (AFCV) of different components ranged from 17.94 to 21.06 kJ·g-1 and 18.57 to 22.12 kJ·g-1 respectively. Of all the components, leaves had the highest GVCs and AFCVs. The average GVC and AFCV of the five clones ranged from 19.02 to 19.32 kJ·g-1 and 19.49 to 19.85 kJ·g-1 respectively. The order of five clones by decreasing GCV was E. Leizhou No.1>E. urophylla>E. urophylla×E. tereticornis>E. camaldulensis>E. grandis×E. urophylla and by decreasing AFCV the order was E. leizhou No.1>E. camaldulensis>E. urophylla>E. urophylla×E. tereticornis>E. grandis×E. urophylla. The average energy values of five clone plantations ranged from 1 360.73 to 3 067.47 GJ·hm-2 with the decreasing order: E. urophylla×E. tereticornis>E. grandis×E. urophylla>E. urophylla>E. camaldulensis>E. Leizhou No.1. According to biomass and energy, E. urophylla×E. tereticornis was the best clone for bioenergy, followed by both the E.grandis×E. urophylla and E.urophylla and the poorest were E. camaldulensis and E.Leizhou No.1.

Reference (49)



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