• 中国中文核心期刊
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  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖


Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Populus deltoides and Their F1 Hybrid Clones

  • Received Date: 2013-01-29
  • In order to observe the divergence and relationship between photosynthetic rate, stomatal characteristics and RuBPCase activity among Populus deltoides Bartr. parents and their F1 hybrids and interpret biological mechanism of different growth vigor of P. deltoides, leaf area, gas exchange, stomatal characteristics and RuBPCase activity of intraspecific F1 hybrids and parents of P. deltoides were measured. The results showed that compared with parents and lower-parents F1 hybrids, the better-parent F1 hybrids possessed the largest photosynthetic area (including single leaf area and leaf area per plant), the highest photosynthetic productivity (the average of H1 and H2 was 46.22% higher than maternal parent and 66.37% higher than paternal parent), chlorophyll content (the average of H1 and H2 was 280.09% higher than maternal parent and 452.29% higher than paternal parent), RuBPcase activity (the average of H1 and H2 was 20.79% higher than maternal parent and 58.56% higher than paternal parent), the ratio of stomatal number of upper epidermis and lower epidermis and stomatal frequency as well as light saturation point (the average of H1 and H2 was 2189.33 μmol·m-2·s-1). Meanwhile, light compensation point, apparent quantum yield, dark respiration rate of better-parent F1 hybrids were lower than those of parents and lower-parent F1 hybrids. These characteristics of better-parents F1 hybrids might contribute to broaden light intensity adaptability, accelerate rate of energy absorption conversion and carbon fixation, enhance the ability of dry matter accumulation and organ morphogenesis and improve the growth rate. The leaf area per plant, photosynthetic productivity and chlorophyll content could be used as indicators for evaluating the growth. The results of principal component analysis showed that the first principal components of P. deltoides' photosynthetic index were photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, RuBPCase activity, single leaf area, leaf area per plant and photosynthetic productivity, while the second principal component were the transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, stomata length and ratio of stomatal number of upper epidermis to lower epidermis, respectively.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Populus deltoides and Their F1 Hybrid Clones

  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Key laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100091, China

Abstract: In order to observe the divergence and relationship between photosynthetic rate, stomatal characteristics and RuBPCase activity among Populus deltoides Bartr. parents and their F1 hybrids and interpret biological mechanism of different growth vigor of P. deltoides, leaf area, gas exchange, stomatal characteristics and RuBPCase activity of intraspecific F1 hybrids and parents of P. deltoides were measured. The results showed that compared with parents and lower-parents F1 hybrids, the better-parent F1 hybrids possessed the largest photosynthetic area (including single leaf area and leaf area per plant), the highest photosynthetic productivity (the average of H1 and H2 was 46.22% higher than maternal parent and 66.37% higher than paternal parent), chlorophyll content (the average of H1 and H2 was 280.09% higher than maternal parent and 452.29% higher than paternal parent), RuBPcase activity (the average of H1 and H2 was 20.79% higher than maternal parent and 58.56% higher than paternal parent), the ratio of stomatal number of upper epidermis and lower epidermis and stomatal frequency as well as light saturation point (the average of H1 and H2 was 2189.33 μmol·m-2·s-1). Meanwhile, light compensation point, apparent quantum yield, dark respiration rate of better-parent F1 hybrids were lower than those of parents and lower-parent F1 hybrids. These characteristics of better-parents F1 hybrids might contribute to broaden light intensity adaptability, accelerate rate of energy absorption conversion and carbon fixation, enhance the ability of dry matter accumulation and organ morphogenesis and improve the growth rate. The leaf area per plant, photosynthetic productivity and chlorophyll content could be used as indicators for evaluating the growth. The results of principal component analysis showed that the first principal components of P. deltoides' photosynthetic index were photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, RuBPCase activity, single leaf area, leaf area per plant and photosynthetic productivity, while the second principal component were the transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, stomata length and ratio of stomatal number of upper epidermis to lower epidermis, respectively.

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